Boobs are not fair.

Rusty,if you where at the beach having a few drinks in a speedo and tight fitting t-shirt and a female cop pulls your *** over and sees you as you get out of your car,showng every inch of manhound,and the muscles and a good looking guy,and see does the same thing to you,would you be glad or pissed?
When going to the bars and other places and watching some of the people,over 18,in alot of cases,the legal drinking age should be brought up to 42,as being a adult does not mean you are any more inteligent,you are supposed to be,but in most cases you are not.It should be a zero tolerance law,as I can atest too,as my late son and three freinds would still be here,mrmopartech
Anybody else ever dialed 911 on an apparent drunk driver? When the cops finally did get this older lady stopped, after she drove on west bound on the eastbound shoulder of the road for aways, tagged the guardrail on both sides of the road as well as a few other interesting things she was so sloshed she could not stand up. I had to testify at court, found out this was her 10th dui, at what point can something be done about people like this?
I work as a bouncer on the weekends. Checking ID's at the door and maintain the crowd. I tell you I hate nothing more then snotty little b*$ches that get pissed at you when there fake ID dont pass. We are one of the few bars in town that actually card at the door. Ive noticed the new age doesnt have a clue.
I bet she ain't even that hot! Lets see what the officer had to work with.....
Up here we have a drunk driver hotline,some people actually call the local radio station,believe me there's nothing the Mounties hate more than hearing this on the air.I've called the hotline,and **** is taken care of fast.
That cop should have made that little 20 year old learn a thing or two...I hate it when women try to get off like that, perking up there tits, giving you a look....It doesn't work for me, ever...I sometimes even tip the cute waitresses LESS than the dudes...That girlie **** don't work on me.
they need a hotline for parents that dont strap there kids in child seats too. on the drunk driving thing. I can only think of one use for someone who drinks and drives. the use i have for them is to hold up the targets that im shooting at. i have no respect for anyone that cannot be responsable enough to know they need a cab. I dont care what this "hot girl" looks like she does not have anything in between her ears. and skin is nothing without something in the head.
she got lucky,most cops are ASSHOLES,thell run you in for being a tad over the limit,got to make that $$,sucks but thats the truth, i got big balls but that dont count unless its a women cop
she got lucky,most cops are ASSHOLES,thell run you in for being a tad over the limit,got to make that $$,sucks but thats the truth, i got big balls but that dont count unless its a women cop

You have law enforcement personnel on this site, so please be a bit more considerate and self-edit your comments. There are in all probability quite a few "ASSHOLES" in your profession as well.
No question she made a bad move, and got lucky. I can't argue w/ the cop for letting her off w/o the DUI, that's his perogative and depending on what else was going on that night, how intoxicated she appeared, etc. - well, it's his call. Hopefully she shat herself and learned a lesson. But he should have called a cab or parked the car and given her a ride home in the squad, to let her continue driving is where he screwed the pooch bigtime.

But of course, I've been pulled over a handful of times and have gotten tickets each and every one of them, with the exception of out-of-state equipment violations, which received warnings (the most they can do). I guess I don't flirt so well.
dam cops here in watkins, think the law does not apply to them. on their phones all day (wile they are driving) waving at people that speeding (doing 40+ in a 25) and that the town "cops" ( they are known as rent a cop by a lot of people). the county "sheriffs" are just as bad.
My girlfriend a few nights ago, who is 20, drove home a fair bit TOO intoxicated. She was all sexied up with her boobs up to her chin from going to the club. She gets pulled over by a Sheriff. He asked her her how much she had to drink. She replied none. He took her ID ran it, then came back to the her car. He asked her again how much she had to drink, she replied none again. He gave her "the look" and asked again, how much have you had to drink? Don't worry i'm not a DUI guy. She then replied honestly, admitting she was intoxicated. He then asked her age (he already knew) she replied 20. (21 is the legal age here for those of you who don't know). He asked her where she was going. She told him home. He let her off with a WARNING, then proceeded to tell her that the cops in the next town were especially "bad" I guess meaning they do their job, and to be careful. He wound up following her through that town so she wouldn't get pulled over again. He went out of his way to make sure a hot girl didn't get a DUI knowing she was drunk.

Now, you me, and your mom all know if it was either me that was drunk, another guy, or a less attractive woman that they'd be calling someone to bail them out right after this story. As much as I'm glad she didn't get in trouble... it still pisses me off that people can get off like that.

Heck when I was 20 loooong time ago, we got cut breaks. Recall being in a park--large goes for like 15 miles with long dirt roads all over the place. Me and my buddy had our cars off to the side on one of the many places you could stop with picnic tables around sharing a joint. Some unmark cop car going like 65 mph comes flying down the road--maybe faster, we seen it al the last second, brakes going past us and spins around. Throws out a badge and hi unit/car has shotgun on the dash, cage in between the front back seat, etc..was some tough unmark cop. Hes like ok, what else have you got?? Hand the s*** over. My buddy gives him his little bag, I think I slipped mine in my pants. Took our ID and goes next time your going in. Goes taking off fast--likely looking for more victims, ha

Heck we drove off high right after he left.
Another time in that big park I had a car load of friends, girls/guys. I'm doing 70 into a dirt curve in a 40 mph zone, maybe doing 60 at the end of the curve--way down was sheriff cop car. We are like oh no..of course the car was fill of pot smoke--was around 1980, lol. We go past him around 50 and he goes on his loud speaker SLOW DOWN. that was it, I slowed and he sat put.

I was like 18 then

Now there was dudes mid 20's doing 100 mph--no kidding. Dirt roads were treated with oil spray and pack tight, you could fly 100+ on those roads. So that what he was looking for, reckless driving arrest.

We had cops throw our pipes away, etc..

Today smoking and driving isn't cool, just ask Paris!
Last Post, lol

Ok, now I'm mid 20's and that summer I get two warnings on my driving. One, "doing your showing off some place else" and the last one, "you have to get control over your driving" I even had a rum and coke between my legs but not drunk, just made it at the party store parking lot and went flying out of there like I robbed the place.

Anyhow, 3 weeks after that I wiped out on a curve and was in hospital for 19 days, broke, jaw, hip, leg. Car was wasted, never seen it..was out on impact.

I sat around for months saying the cops were hoping I would kill myself,. that is why they didn't take me in, they knew I wreck and maybe die..and my car is gone, they won.

She keeps screwing up, she get hers. Cops sometimes are mean when you think they are nice---I still think to this day its a maybe.
No, it will make her think that she got away with it once, so she can get away with it again.

Maybe not. I stop drinking for 8 months after my close call, blew a .007 and it had to be .008 back then. Cop lied and wrote me up for 10 over and I wasn't speeding. (think he might hope I drive to station to complain and maybe I be .008 then--I went straight home)

Was a few years after my wreck--made full recovery 8 months later--why I stop for 8 months!

Never enjoyed drinking much after that though, more you drink the more you get pushed around. Was so nice not to get pushed around for 8 months I never enjoyed drinking that much--even today. I can drive whenever I feel like it, 24 hours a day, any day of the week.
My excessive beer drinking is causing Man-Boobs. So soon I should be able to drive without consequence.

I cringe when I think back to all the times in my former years where I got behind the wheel when I shouldn't have. If someone besides myself got hurt I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
A drunk driver took out my duster that I've had for 23 years. That piece of **** is driving a new chevy truck while I'm borrowing my moms 93 ford taurus wagon to get around in while waiting for my divorce to be finalized. your gf needs to freaking grow up & realize that she could have killed some one for being so careless.