Boston Marathon Bomber..

I heard his Daddy spoke with ABC news, I don't even want to know what he said. Can't put that POS to death soon enough for me and the victims.
Hey does anyone know why pressure cooker was underlined in my previous post? I did not do it. Is this a Big Brother thing? Are the Feds watching for anyone typing the words pressure cooker?
if anyone deserves the death penalty it would be this jerk.

I understand NOT having a death penalty when circumstantial evidence convicts someone, but this dude is no doubt guilty!!! they should have spent a few more hundred projectiles ( bazooko maybe!!??) into that boat!


Would of saved time, money and less publicity for this POS!
Hey does anyone know why pressure cooker was underlined in my previous post? I did not do it. Is this a Big Brother thing? Are the Feds watching for anyone typing the words pressure cooker?

It's not underlined on my page....
Hey does anyone know why pressure cooker was underlined in my previous post? I did not do it. Is this a Big Brother thing? Are the Feds watching for anyone typing the words pressure cooker?

You are now on the TSA radar.... Big brother is watching you now.... :glasses7:
I see underlines! Automatic big brother. Or, a link to sell them.
Didn't they march Timothy McVeigh abruptly to the front of the line for his shenanigans? I don't recall, but I thought he was in the express lane.

The ONLY reason that took place was because He (McVeigh) requested it. He waived his rights to appeal. That's the only way something like that takes place.

His partner, I don't remember his name, the dude with the glass and the "dear in the headlights" look, is still alive and in prison.