Brake adjuster cable problem?



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2008
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One of the brake adjuster cables in the rear drums of my early '70's Dart is loose. It keeps working itself off the little guide where the shoe attaches. I've checked to see if it's mounted correctly and it is. It looks fairly new with no wear. It's the one with the little spring hook on one end. Can these things stretch?
If it's a new one it might be the wrong one. I would pull the other side off and compare them side by side.
They look the same to me (lengthwise). That's why I'm confused!
Is the guide plate all the way flush with the shoe? If it's in there cockeyed it can let the cable pop out when the auto adjuster tries to work.
The cable guides have a tiny neck that goes in the hole in shoe and the return spring should hold it in place. That little neck goes away and lets the guide drop down. And the cables ring end has a flat side that should be against the shoe.
Yes, it's all set up properly (I've been doing my own brakes for years). I pulled the two cables and compaired them. Same length. I'm beginning to wonder if the hole is drilled slightly wrong in the (new) shoe? It's loose to the point that you can move the cable a bit when installed.
Dunno :(
Backing plate bent ? That stud at top center damaged ? Just trying to help. Overlooking something and can't see annything from here.
For what its worth , a park brake cable adjusted up to the point where the lever cant fully return will throw the whole works out of whack.
Good luck
Well, to my surprise RedFish, you and 64dartwagon had it right. The little guide looked like it was fully seated, but when I tapped on it with a drift it did seat in a tad further and the cable tightened up! Never experienced that before, and you wouldn't think such a small offset would loosen the cable that much, but it did.
Yeah a lot of people dont know that spring needs to go on first so it holds the guide tight to the shoe. To place that spring on top the other return spring allows only a tiny angle but enough to let the guide jump out.
Glad you got it sorted. Happy moparing