Breast Cancer



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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My wife recently had breast cancer. It was found in its earliest stage and was removed. She recently had a mammo and all is well. She informed me the other day that we are going to be doing the Susan G. Komen walk in the near future. We would greatly appreciate it if you folks would donate a little to help out.... Ernestina Crann hopefully the link will send you to her page....

Susan G is a great organization. They along with Kay Yow help us out tremendously during my wife's trying time. She went through the same exact thing.
Done deal, Doug! Thanks to both you and Ernie for doing the Susan G. Komen walk. It's a great organization that's doing a lot of good. Let's hope a cure is found in the not-too-distant future.
Looks like Ernie is 73% of the way to her goal according to her page on the Komen website. I hope all of FABO gets behind this and puts her WELL beyond her goal!
Judy & I look forward to meeting you at MATS.
Ok, I'm the stupid one. How do I donate so Ernie gets credit? Doug you were one of the first to step up and help me so I want to return the flavor.
Ok, I'm the stupid one. How do I donate so Ernie gets credit? Doug you were one of the first to step up and help me so I want to return the flavor.
Should just be able to click on the under lined text in my post....Thanks Rob....
Ok, I got it figured out and done.
Ken & Judy.....thanks so much. Rob, I would like to thank you as well. Looking forward to meeting you at MATS Ken. Just hope I don not forget the card for my camera again. Last event I went to I bought my camera with no memory card.
I am glad that your wife beat that terrible disease!!! I lost a sister 2 years ago to cancer she was 37 years old. Just a little over a week ago I was informed that my baby sister (38 ) has breast cancer. She has surgery schedule for the 28th of this month to remove the tumors. I appreciate the help you and your wife are providing for others and if you could throw in a prayer for my sister while you are at it I would forever be in your debt!
Doug I'm not glad to hear what you and your wife had to go through but I'm sure glad to hear they caught it in time. Stinking lousy cancer has taken my Dad and 3 of his brothers and I just found out that my aunt Jennie has an extremely rare form of lung cancer that forms on the outside of the lungs. I hate cancer with a passion! I'll talk to my wife tomorrow and see what we can contribute. Susan G. Komen is a great organization.
Hi Guys my wife just went through stage4 breast cancer and had surgery last week and is home findly recovering it is not a found thing to go through when you are looking at a 50 year anniversary comming up. So I know what you are going through. My prayers to you.
Ink and the rest of yall that are/have went though this . My prayers are with u and ur loved ones .. One day i will be set up to help .