Bring back the Red x


64 AAR Valiant

FABO Gold Member
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
K PAX Pennsylvania
Some folks are just too sensitive.

I have the shirt, may as well have the X to go with it. Bring it back.

Some people just need a hug...

Red X is the "rub some dirt on it" of the board. It would be better if there was a dialogue/ discussion about the disagreement.. but too easy to just crap and dash.
THE RED X IS NECESSARY! Sometime wrong information is distributed and needs to be flagged. The red X means pay attention to whats in this post, its not right. I think it should be followed by "heres why".
There are those here that just look for the tiniest opening to shove in there anger,rage, irritation, resentment, piss off ness :rolleyes: or any other synonym for ignorance. Angry at the world for some ungodly reason, and they need to let everybody know. Must be a pleasure to be around in real life.

Quote the issue that you feel is wrong and give your opinion why.
You know, sometimes it’s better to leave the impending argument out of the situation. The ❌ is a simple form of keeping the name calling to a minimum. If you go to N&P you will see the purpose of the ❌. Now the use respect part is not as easy as it was.
Perfect example of "can't make everyone happy".... lol

Personally I didn't care about getting a red x nor did I ever really think about giving one until people started making a big deal about it. I didn't even notice it was missing until I saw this post. When did it go away?
I say all or nothing, get rid of them all, if you have something to say, say it!

I don't know about the X being a way to stop the name calling. I have seen many times here where the X starts the fight. They seem to take the X as a slap in the face rather than the disagree mark ( I think ? it's meant to be.)
The red x should be just a disagree and not a "You're wrong dumb azz". Yes it can and does create a lot of problems.
I never cared about the X and I've gotten some. I just move on. The only time I ever used it was when a couple of members kept givin to me seemingly just to piss me off so I disagreed with several of their posts to get them back. Yeah it was stupid, but I felt better. LOL All in all I don't give a chit one way or the other, although it did surprise me that Joey caved. People have given what I thought were really good suggestions for changes on the site and he's refused every single one and yet a few complain about a little red X and they get their way. I reckon the rest of us know where we stand. lol
Yeah I just noticed it's gone this morning.
Like everyone gets a " participation award" instead of only 1st 2nd and 3rd place getting the trophy and "too bad" for the other 22 people in the class...