Broken New Year's Resolutions

You bet it is Dan! I'm honest to a fault and this is no exception here. With all the bi*ching and moaning and typical winter-ness attitudes lately, it was appreciated more than you can know. Don't ever change. :-D
I was going to give up pooping but it didn't work.
Pooping is a waist of time and boring. We should just come equipped with a trap door that we can open and the poop is already in a paper bag with the top stapled shut so all we have to do is take it out light it and throw it at someone. THAT would be much more fun than the way we do it now...stupid poop :angry7: LOL poop is a funny word, that and fart LOL poop fart.

but if you gave that up when would you read your mopar magazines?
Stopped reading those a while ago and canceled my MM subscription, got tired of looking at the same cars over and over again and I don't need to know how to put a shaker scoop on a new charger every other month.

The throne reading library consists of back issues of Garage Magazine, a stack of Old Skool Rodz, the new Vince Flynn book and a copy of The Corvette in the Barn by Tom Cotter.
I was going to give up pooping but it didn't work.
Pooping is a waist of time and boring. We should just come equipped with a trap door that we can open and the poop is already in a paper bag with the top stapled shut so all we have to do is take it out light it and throw it at someone. THAT would be much more fun than the way we do it now...stupid poop :angry7: LOL poop is a funny word, that and fart LOL poop fart.
That would have made things easier when I was a kid!!!:-D
They say quitting soda is harder than quitting smoking. Been cigarette free for....... I dunno how long. I quit counting. LOL.