Budgeting and getting the wife in on it

Wife and I started budgeting years ago, making a chart covering 12 months. We keep all receipts and budget catagories like food, gas, entertainment, medical, house payment, car payment, insurance, utilities, pet expenses, home repair, postage, phone bill, hobbies, gifts etc... At the end of the month we total all the catagories and look at the grand total. Once you start doing something like this, after a few months you realize where all the money goes. You will see ups and downs but the idea is the bottom line comes in budget. We even have a catagory for putting money into savings. You really start feeling good about yourself and as a couple when you see the positive results.
You have to look at your take home pay and then start doing the math with your expenses. Also set some goals that you would like to acheive as reward.