Burnouts and insurance?



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Amelia, Ohio
As I have said in other threads I got a ticket in Heath for doing a burnout. This is my first ticket since I began driving almost 9 years ago. The citation was for peeling and squealing. I am curious how much my insurance will go up. Also is this a less serious citation then wreck less ops?
It used to be called "exhibition of speed" and the insurance companies looked at it as you were willing to take unnecessary risks in a car they are insuring.

Sometimes the cops get a bit leinient about it and call it "wasting finite resources"
Basically means using to much gas. (a 30 dollar no points added to your insurance ticket here)

All in all I don't think it will be a big deal since you have a clean record prior to that.

I could be wrong though.
They have traffic schools here in Texas for moving violations and you can go once a year. It expunges the violation and insurance is never notified. Not sure if exhibition of speed qualify's as a moving violation or if your local jurisdiction has these schools. It's all part of the legal racket as there is an added fee in addition to the ticket fees if you choose the school option plus you have to pay the school. Just another way to put more $$$ in the city coffers.
I would be willing to take a class. My insurance is only 40 a month and I would like it to stay that way.
Those insurance companies really got you guys by the balls in the US don't they?
Why the H do they think insurance should go up if you get a ticket while not causing any damages to other objects or cars?
I got suspended for 3 days in high school for doing 1 in the parking lot 30 plus years ago
In Alabama they can cite you for wreckless driving. I dread the day they figure out that they can use a tape measure on the DR tire track and compare it to your tires and write a ticket for each burnout.
Why the H do they think insurance should go up if you get a ticket while not causing any damages to other objects or cars?

Because the chance of losing control and hitting something exists, and it against the law.

They will use any excuse to make money (the state AND insurance companies).
Down here it's called "improper start".

I got one about 20 years ago.

Cop pulled me over into a bad part of town, and we scared away the participants of a drug deal with our headlights. We could clearly see the baggies and cash. Cop wasn't the least bit interested in that activity, but sure was a prick to me for mentioning it.
I would be willing to take a class. My insurance is only 40 a month and I would like it to stay that way.

Down here on the back of the ticket it usually states whether the offense is eligible for the school route. Certainly the court clerks will know and the city or county website will also have info. It's a state required course of 4 hours and have them that include dinner and typically have a humorous overtone with all kinds of stats, participant interaction and a viewing of the Ol' standard " Blood on the tracks"video. I always do mine online as they are the cheapest (bout $25). They have periodic questions you have to answer so I used to make the kids sit there and tell me when a question popped up. After they were grown and gone I had to do it myself but the beauty of the internet option is that you can stop and save so you can just do a hour or so at a time and don't have to sit still and go comatose for four grueling hours at once.
As I have said in other threads I got a ticket in Heath for doing a burnout. This is my first ticket since I began driving almost 9 years ago. The citation was for peeling and squealing. I am curious how much my insurance will go up. Also is this a less serious citation then wreck less ops?

That sucks. I haven't been there in 3 years, but then the rule was if you do a burnout, don't roll forward when you were done and the cops didn't care. The pro stock style burnout would get you a ticket. It's also lame that they did the one lane deal like they used to on Brice rd. Sounds like enough of the locals/businesses complained and the city had to do something about it. Maybe the action will return to Brice rd. Curious, did anyone pitch in money for you when you got the ticket? I gave away $20-30 each year to guys getting tickets. If they refused I just threw the money in their car. They shouldn't have to pay while we watched.
It depends on how many points that you get for it.

If you can go to court and get them to be "lenient", then you may get off ok. Some courts/judges will give you a break if you have a clean record and just give you a fine and maybe a 6 month "supervision" where if you keep clean, it won't go on your record and you just pay the court fines.
That sucks. I haven't been there in 3 years, but then the rule was if you do a burnout, don't roll forward when you were done and the cops didn't care. The pro stock style burnout would get you a ticket. It's also lame that they did the one lane deal like they used to on Brice rd. Sounds like enough of the locals/businesses complained and the city had to do something about it. Maybe the action will return to Brice rd. Curious, did anyone pitch in money for you when you got the ticket? I gave away $20-30 each year to guys getting tickets. If they refused I just threw the money in their car. They shouldn't have to pay while we watched.

Oh it was a great burnout. I deserved the ticket but no one pitched in. I snapped a picture of the cop car in my mirror though and had a handful of people walk up and give me a high five.

I remember going to Heath and Brice when I was real young and I loved watching the Burnouts. I was sitting in the traffic and two young boys probably about 10 kept telling everyone to do a burnout. I got the smoke rolling and the kids at the biggest smile on their face.

I called my dad as soon as the cops left. He used to drive me up to the nats and loved the cruise also. As soon as I told him they gave me a ticket for doing a burnout he said congratulations.
I suggest you check out where you did your burnout for any "extenuating circumstances".
Years ago I received a phone call at work that our brand new Trans Am had finally been delivered and was ready to pick up at the Pontiac dealership. At the time I was driving my very stoutly built '69 340 Swinger to work.
At the end of the day I was excited to go pick up our new T/A. I had to turn left across two lanes of traffic on a fairly busy road as I left work. Two of my co-workers stepped out into a crosswalk by the driveway to stop traffic for me. Wanting to showoff a bit I nailed the throttle after I made the left turn leaving two long black streaks behind me. I shifted into 2nd (manual-shift, reverse-pattern 727) and the tires barked again just as I went past a black & white heading in the opposite direction - he was in the lane nearest the curb and I hadn't seen him. I turned right at the next corner and just pulled over to the curb and waited. He nearly drove right past me as he came screaming around the corner.
Of course I got the "exhibition of speed" ticket after the lecture about how he could impound my car and all. At that time here in SoCal that infraction was a mandatory court appearance. I went into the court one day early knowing the cop wouldn't be there and was lucky enough to get before a judge. I plead "guilty with an explanation" and explained to the judge that there was construction going on in the parking lot at work (which was true) and that I must have gotten some moisture and dirt on my tires. I also explained about crossing two lanes of busy traffic as my co-workers stopped traffic. The "creative part" was when I told the judge that the "moisture and dirt" on my tires must have caused me to fishtail just a little and that is what the officer obviously saw.
The judge said, "Guilty - $50", and I hurried to pay the fine.
I got 5 speeding tickets in one year.:burnout: I went to the
Ticket Clinic. Pad them whatever they wanted for NO points on my record.:cheers: I was told you can only go to Traffic School one time a year.:banghead: All 5 Judges sent me to school. OK. So I went to 5 different schools, all around town.:glasses7: No teacher could say. Hey, weren't you here before!!! Insurance didn't go up. And I still have a Safe Driver on my license and record. :angel12:
Down here burnouts and donuts get you a wreck less endangerment ticket. Exhibition of speed is for street racing...
A ticket for doing a burnout, what a crock. Back in the 70's most cops would just watch and go about their business, some would want to look at your car and once in a while you would get the slap on the head.

Someone then comes along and realizes they can make money on it, so here we are.
If you want to get out of it and not have any points on your license and not have your insurance go up, plead not guilty, (by Mail) when you get your court date, look respectable, seek out the officer, apologize to him (they love that) tell him you have a clean license and have him reduce it to an equipment violation, pay the fine and be done with it. Done it many times as I must , because if I get a ticket it could be unemployment for me.
It was a state cop that got me. Dude was a complete jerk and asked me three or four times why I did it. At first I said it was stupid and played the nice polite game. Then he kept acting like a real tough guy. I told him I was having fun and I guess he didn't hear me because he kept asking the same question. "What was that all about?". Then a Newark cop pulls up and the state boy hands me off to him that way they get the money. This cop had the same tough guy attitude. He handed me my ticket and I told him he just gave me my very first ticket after 8 years of driving. I have been pulled over around 25 times. I have talked to a few cops during a traffic stop. These two take the cake for biggest turds.

If my insurance doesn't jump up a lot then they can expect another burnout next year. They also gave a dude a ticket for flame thrower exhaust on a old Newport or some big boat.
You may be able to fight it thru the mail. I got a ticket in Nevada years ago with a mandatory appearance. I got written proof from my boss that I was not allowed time off for a court appearance. Also that I was the sole breadwinner for my family and time off was not an option for me. I faxed to the courthouse and they approved a hearing by mail which was easy and I pleaded my case and won easily. I was pulled over on the 15 heading back from Vegas. I turned on my recoding device as soon a I pulled over. He stated that I was driving over the speed limit. I told him that all the cars were going over the speed limit and I was driving with the speed of oncoming traffic. Had I done the posted speed limit I would be impeding traffic and probably get hit. He said he did not care and could not pull over everyone and that he chose me to pull over as I looked too young to be driving that nice of a car.... He verbally stated how fast i was going then proceeded to write the ticket for much higher and told me too bad when i questioned it. Told me he was teaching me a lesson and needs to make an example of me......I made a copy of the tape and sent it in with my testimony and magically the case was dropped and the judge assured me that the officer would reprimanded.
As I have said in other threads I got a ticket in Heath for doing a burnout. This is my first ticket since I began driving almost 9 years ago. The citation was for peeling and squealing. I am curious how much my insurance will go up. Also is this a less serious citation then wreck less ops?

Since it was in Ohio and you are from Ohio check and see if it can be DEFERED

In Indiana you pay the ticket and if you go 1year without another ticket it doesn't go on your record. If you do get another both tickets go on record.

What a racket!
You may be able to fight it thru the mail. I got a ticket in Nevada years ago with a mandatory appearance. I got written proof from my boss that I was not allowed time off for a court appearance. Also that I was the sole breadwinner for my family and time off was not an option for me. I faxed to the courthouse and they approved a hearing by mail which was easy and I pleaded my case and won easily. I was pulled over on the 15 heading back from Vegas. I turned on my recoding device as soon a I pulled over. He stated that I was driving over the speed limit. I told him that all the cars were going over the speed limit and I was driving with the speed of oncoming traffic. Had I done the safe speed limit I would be impeding traffic and probably get hit. He said he did not care and could not pull over everyone and that he chose me to pull over as I looked too young to be driving that nice of a car.... He verbally stated how fast i was going then proceeded to write the ticket for much higher and told me too bad when i questioned it. Told me he was teaching me a lesson and needs to make an example of me......I made a copy of the tape and sent it in with my testimony and magically the case was dropped and the judge assured me that the officer would reprimanded.

Good for you! Great thinking.