
Cold is milking cows in sub zero weather with a 30 mph wind. Makes for a long milking.[/quote grew up on a dairy farm myself here in MN, 5AM climbing up the silo with pickaxe to free up the frozen unloader,good ****.
Hay, guys. Here in northern Wisconsin. Last night it was
-25 below with wind chills around -30 to -40 below.
This is frickin redicklus. We will be up to about 30-32
above by sunday to monday.
I want to know who ordered this weather! He will pay!
I am in Illinois the News just said -20 below tonight.Hope the car starts in the morning.. Jim
Today is the coldest day we've had here in the south. The low was 12* this morning.... 16* now.
55F for a high here today (28F right now) and it's supposed to get into the 60's this weekend! Very nice weather for January here in Denver. Still have snow on the ground from Monday's storm but that will be all gone by this coming Monday.

We get the majority of our snow in March, so winter is most certainly still here but forecasts like this make our winters very tolerable. :)
wind chill -1 F at 11 F this morning here BRRRrrrrr:pale:
Well, it's 0C (18F) here this morning. Yesterday it hit +3C, and I was walking around in a short sleeved golf shirt and a light sleeveless vest. After 5 weeks of REALLY COLD weather, this is GREAT!! Pass the sun tan lotion Mary. :)
Ya,it's a little cool in Michigan -24f wind chill,went ice fishing this morning,the Walleye are biting,guess what's for dinner.My wife drives school bus(bio-diesel)they were working today,a few went down with jelled fuel.
Wow! reading all the weather reports here makes my 'lil old
4 degrees with -25 winchill seem not so bad 8)

But it's nice and toasty inside!! Thanks Small Block!!
It was -1F when I headed out for work this morning around 8am, no idea what it was with wind chill. It's cold enough we don't have any water, somewhere between the well and house it's frozen solid.