Can’t win for losing



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2017
Reaction score
Portage michigan
Some scumbag stole my tilt deck race car trailer off my lot some time late last night.

Holy crap man! That's a NICE trailer too! I hope you had it insured!
Lucky your car wasn't on it. I can't stand a thief, work for it like I did b*tch! 65'
trying to figure out if it’s insured now. I know all our cars are, and contents, hope it is, if not, gonna be a minute before I am racing again
Man that sucks. I'm really sorry. I hope it is insured!
Sorry for your loss.I feel your pain.
I have had 2 of my race car trailers vandalised over the years. Wiring ripped out busted tail lights sliced tires.
Even pried the door open and smashed the windows.
Cops filed a report saying this is just a waist of time. Yep, Never heard nothing again.
I hope you find it but a friend of mine had 3 stolen from his used car lot.He believes they all went to Mexico.
were p
Sorry for your loss.I feel your pain.
I have had 2 of my race car trailers vandalised over the years. Wiring ripped out busted tail lights sliced tires.
Even pried the door open and smashed the windows.
Cops filed a report saying this is just a waist of time. Yep, Never heard nothing again.
I hope you find it but a friend of mine had 3 stolen from his used car lot.He believes they all went to Mexico.
probly there or almost there , before he/they knew they were gone .
has happened 3 times at chevy dealers in this area , and even a suzuki dealer a few yrs, back ...
Sorry to hear that. Thiefs, I tell ya... I hope they find the trailer and the thief.
It’s a vehicle. It has a VIN number and license plates, homeowners won’t touch it.
I would ask.

A quick Google search came back with mixed results form verious insurers.

Especially if the trailer was on your property when it was stolen
I'm so sorry to hear this Don. Lowlife simple thieves. Anything you can share to help the rest of us not have this happen? Tongue lock, chains, etc?
I'm so sorry to hear this Don. Lowlife simple thieves. Anything you can share to help the rest of us not have this happen? Tongue lock, chains, etc?

didn’t have a lock on it, and no cameras either.
we moved to our current location 10 years ago.
first issue we have had…but it only takes once.
Service shop we use has had stuff stolen a few times, has good cameras , hasn’t helped. Guys wear hoodies knowing there are cameras…
Funny story the owner was telling me this morning…..he has a tech who is kinda a night owl, sometimes comes in late at night to work.
He came in last night before midnight , worked couple hours, got sleepy, decided to sit in his truck and take a nap.. he got woken, guy is siphoning gas out of his truck while he was in it:wtf:
Some scumbag stole my tilt deck race car trailer off my lot some time late last night.

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So sorry to hear that, hate a damm thief, hope your insurance helps you, doubt the police will, Hood Rats probably had it sold before they stole it. Might need to take the wheels off of it when not in use.
Tracking down the thieves and killing them, even if you DO use God's Caliber (45 acp, or 45-70) is against the law.
That being said, and since the leftists are legalizing animalism and probably necrophilia, I figure you'd be well within your rights if you caught them, greased them up and shoved them up a dead elephant's *** head first. You better hurry, there's only 3 more days left in June.

All humor aside, I hear you man, I revile theft and thieves. About 13 years back, some COCKGOBLINS tried to steal my motorcycle, it was too heavy for them to pick up and throw in their truck, so they just dropped it in the driveway and busted up the fairings. I hope they messed up their backs.