Can my complete dash be installed thru windshield without drop column?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
Can I just send my completed dash through the windshield and drop it onto the side mount bolts without dropping the steering column, or should I drop the two steering column nuts to lower the column an inch or so?
Lower the column for the needed clearance & to keep from scratching the heck out of it...
I don't even know ^^ what that means

I put my empty dash frame in by myself, windshield already in, pedal hangers mounted. Just hang it on the side bolts which are screwed "way out" and hinge it up in place. DEFINATELY lower or remove the column. Reversed the clips for the windshield area screws, and put them in from the bottom.
It means with my windshield out and the column dropped from the mount but the three bolts still in the firewall bracket when I tried to fit the dash in, I scratched the hell out of my freshly painted column. AUGGG.