


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Found out earlier today that the fellow that did the body work on the Dart has Spindle Cell Sarcoma. Will be heading into Hospice by the end of the week. Docs gave him 2-4 months. I am hoping to get to AZ before he passes.
That's always tough. I lost a cousin in the seventies, he was 26. His nephew fought cancer all his life. He died at 19. One of my sisters died of brain cancer in her early fifties. And of course some of the women in the family have had this or that bought with breast cancer.
Sorry Doug. Hard to say if I had to pick, whether I would want a short expectancy, or a lengthy battle.
wife presently fighting a brest cancer

that damn thing is hard to fight
almost all of the médicine they give
make her sick and puck she lost her air and now there nail ya her nails

the kids began to think last week end they could lose there Mom
aint a good thing when you have a 9 and 6 years old

me seing her like that brake my hart shes Young only38
really hard

the bank insurance refuse to pay so its 7 monts paiment a i hade to do
no money for the moment to get a lawyer and parts for the duster
arent in my heads just enough to get them foods

i began to think god forgot me for the last few years or the next one to

sorry just hade to talk :banghead:
wife presently fighting a brest cancer

that damn thing is hard to fight
almost all of the médicine they give
make her sick and puck she lost her air and now there nail ya her nails

the kids began to think last week end they could lose there Mom
aint a good thing when you have a 9 and 6 years old

me seing her like that brake my hart shes Young only38
really hard

the bank insurance refuse to pay so its 7 monts paiment a i hade to do
no money for the moment to get a lawyer and parts for the duster
arent in my heads just enough to get them foods

i began to think god forgot me for the last few years or the next one to

sorry just hade to talk :banghead:
No need to apologize. Cancer sucks, plain and simple. Wife had breast cancer. She is going for her 5 year "checkup" on Wednesday. Will be the Tamoxifen in June or so. Hope to hell that the hot flashes subside.
I remember the day Joanie, the Oncologist, told her they found something in her mammogram. My heart was in my throat. Ernie looked at her and asked if they had time to take care of it that day. Doc wanted us to go home and talk about things...Ernie persisted about getting it taken care of asap.
You or your lovely bride ever need to talk just let me glad to give you our number.
its hard enough seeing us older people fighting terrible diseases, but when I see younger people with such, it just breaks my heart.

in my last visit to the doc (dermatologist) she mentioned, I believe, in women, 1 of 7 will get breast cancer sometime during their lifetime.. that's a lot.
Sad to say that a cure for cancer isn't going to be anything that the drug companies will strive to perfect. To much money to be made in long term "treatment" that brings in more money than our national debt. To much money to be made at someone else's expense. I know how the drug companies think because I worked 30 years for the biggest one in the world, Pfizer. Trust me, it's all about profits. I feel so sad for all of the people here and everywhere else that are simply being put through hell on a daily basis to simply exist because there is "no" cure for 'any" of the many cancers that exist. NOT ONE CURE! That has to be the biggest lie ever told!

My family has seen its share of the disease and it sucks big time. I pray for those who are living the nightmare.
if would guess if the American public knew all the details that go on in the medical and drug business, we would take up arms?? (disclaimer: I am in no way suggesting anyone attempt any illegal acts!). ha

the old saying, "follow the money trail" still holds so true in every aspect of our lives????

decades back I worked 11 yrs. for an AG, subsidiary of Upjohn. that was the reason I NEVER went back into the "mainstream" type of workforce.
I started out at Upjohn's that eventually after a merger or two, got swallowed up by Pfizer. You are so right about "if the public": only knew. Oh the stories I could tell! Money talks should be the slogan today instead of "Keep the quality Up" which was W.E Upjohn's motto when he started the company in the late 1800's.
I started out at Upjohn's that eventually after a merger or two, got swallowed up by Pfizer. You are so right about "if the public": only knew. Oh the stories I could tell! Money talks should be the slogan today instead of "Keep the quality Up" which was W.E Upjohn's motto when he started the company in the late 1800's.

yep Upjohn had its beginning using pregnant mare urine in late 1800's. . agricultuire and medicine. when I went to work for them in '79, they owned several ag subsidiaries. eventually they we all sold off, because the profit margin for ag is nothing like that for drugs!! that's fine.... Ha.. that's O K but the lies and deciet that was present, was amazing. the corp.politics and manipulations. and that was just in that little subsidiary!! hate to think of the BLACK DARK secrets in the UNJOHN drug part of it! ha

pharmaceutical corp America..... just look at that little weasel that raised the price of what drug was it? 5000 %. anyone see that pond scum on the news last week testifying before congress!? bout made me PUKE!!!! sorry.
Very sorry to hear about all these cancer patients. Don't think I could handle it very well.
Sad to say that a cure for cancer isn't going to be anything that the drug companies will strive to perfect. To much money to be made in long term "treatment" that brings in more money than our national debt. To much money to be made at someone else's expense. I know how the drug companies think because I worked 30 years for the biggest one in the world, Pfizer. Trust me, it's all about profits. I feel so sad for all of the people here and everywhere else that are simply being put through hell on a daily basis to simply exist because there is "no" cure for 'any" of the many cancers that exist. NOT ONE CURE! That has to be the biggest lie ever told!

My family has seen its share of the disease and it sucks big time. I pray for those who are living the nightmare.

To say there "is not one cure" for cancer is totally incorrect. If you diagnose many forms of cancer soon enough, tumors or entire organs can be surgically removed. Via PSA testing and eventually a biopsy, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2005. Spring of '06 I had it removed with robotic surgery and almost 10 years later I am completely cancer-free. So are thousands of other men who had prostate cancer diagnosed at its early stages. Another example is where they remove cancerous tumors of the skin on a routine basis in dermatologists offices with basically zero side effects and almost complete success.
Now, if we are talking about cancers where it was not seen/caught early enough, and it has "spread" (into the lymph nodes or other organs), yes the cure rate is much worse, because surgical removal is nearly impossible and they have to resort to drugs.
Good luck to everyone who is fighting these battles!
To say there "is not one cure" for cancer is totally incorrect. If you diagnose many forms of cancer soon enough, tumors or entire organs can be surgically removed. Via PSA testing and eventually a biopsy, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2005. Spring of '06 I had it removed with robotic surgery and almost 10 years later I am completely cancer-free. So are thousands of other men who had prostate cancer diagnosed at its early stages. Another example is where they remove cancerous tumors of the skin on a routine basis in dermatologists offices with basically zero side effects and almost complete success.
Now, if we are talking about cancers where it was not seen/caught early enough, and it has "spread" (into the lymph nodes or other organs), yes the cure rate is much worse, because surgical removal is nearly impossible and they have to resort to drugs.
Good luck to everyone who is fighting these battles!

Yup, it can be cured. Wife had breast cancer, was caught in its earliest form, an atypical cell growth. Quick lumpectomy and that was that. Sadly in Joes case that was not what happened. From what I understand Spindle Cell Sarcoma is often either misdiagnosed or simply not caught while it is in stage 1. Even if it is caught in its earliest days prognosis is not great. But once it moves quickly. In Joes case it moved into his lungs, forming an absess in some dead lung tissue. Absess ruptured, giving him an infection in his blood. From what I have been reading smoking and second hand smoke do not cause this cancer, but will aid in its spreading.
Drug could be argued to the end of time. My wife has a few "connective tissues diseases". One of the "treatments" for it is infusions. Ernestina has been on several of them. All had minimal effect, the last one she had a terrible allergic reaction to it. They were getting paid $3900 or so every time they stuck a needle in her arm. Even her doc commented that it would be nice if he could treat the illness not the symtoms.
Truth of the matter... if I were on the other side of this arguement...if I were running one of these pharmaceutical companies...I would probably be lobbying to keep actual cures under wraps...keep pushing the treat the symptoms not the illness itself...just so I could make more $$. Pretty sad...but it is what it is....
Ask any person who has had cancer of any kind and they will tell you they are a survivor. It leaves many feeling that from that point on, every new ache or pain is the cancer returning in another spot. It really messes with their minds and I can see how it would. Like you said, there is billions to be made in treatments. And that's what a lot of the surgeries are that are removing organs that are diseased. Doesn't mean the cancer is gone from the body, just means it's gone from that spot. When they develop a preventative vaccine that they can give you as a child like they did for us for polio, then I will start thinking in terms of the word cure. Until then, to me it will always be treatment for the disease.

To all the cancer survivors out there, I pray you will always remain cancer free and healthy!
Ask any person who has had cancer of any kind and they will tell you they are a survivor. It leaves many feeling that from that point on, every new ache or pain is the cancer returning in another spot. It really messes with their minds and I can see how it would. Like you said, there is billions to be made in treatments. And that's what a lot of the surgeries are that are removing organs that are diseased. Doesn't mean the cancer is gone from the body, just means it's gone from that spot. When they develop a preventative vaccine that they can give you as a child like they did for us for polio, then I will start thinking in terms of the word cure. Until then, to me it will always be treatment for the disease.

To all the cancer survivors out there, I pray you will always remain cancer free and healthy!
One of the things many breast cancer survivor end up on is Tamoxifen. Has been proven to reduce the risk of the cancer returning. Whole lot of if-ands-buts about it. Has a lot to do,with mentalpaws. In my wifes case she had a partial hysterectomy done a few years prior to Cancer. Ernestina was also in mentalpaws so she ended up on this drug. She has to be on it for 5 years...her times is up in June of this year. Stuff causes wicked hot flashes. Last winter was by far the worst. More than once she stepped put of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and stood outside in 10* just to cool off. 5 minutes later she was wrapped up in 3 blankets, standing in front of the fire.
Truly hope that my buddy does not suffer. Just chatted with a "friend" that is a Hospice Nurse. In her 5 years she has only dealt with this type of cancer twice. She told me that both of these folks didn't know they had it until it advanced to Stage 2. She told me that both of these folks were young and health otherwise. She said that they went from "themselves" to a Morphine induced haze within 3 days or so...
No need to apologize. Cancer sucks, plain and simple. Wife had breast cancer. She is going for her 5 year "checkup" on Wednesday. Will be the Tamoxifen in June or so. Hope to hell that the hot flashes subside.
I remember the day Joanie, the Oncologist, told her they found something in her mammogram. My heart was in my throat. Ernie looked at her and asked if they had time to take care of it that day. Doc wanted us to go home and talk about things...Ernie persisted about getting it taken care of asap.
You or your lovely bride ever need to talk just let me glad to give you our number.

glad to see people feeling bad for others thats have anykind of problem
(meen) we are not all going insane

like I said for the moment we are ok
but damn other days its hard

next hard day I have will be thinking at you
and remember there still good man on earth
people who are ready to help and listen to others

you are a MAN A REAL ONE
glad to see people feeling bad for others thats have anykind of problem
(meen) we are not all going insane

like I said for the moment we are ok
but damn other days its hard

next hard day I have will be thinking at you
and remember there still good man on earth
people who are ready to help and listen to others

you are a MAN A REAL ONE

Thank You....

Apparently EZ is deteriorating quickly. He is back on a Ventilator. Will be having a breathing tube inserted and a feeding tube and will be moving him into a Nursing home.

I don't do well with the whole tube thing. Long sob story that I am sure no one is interested in. My head doc has been telling me that what I experienced when I was 15 or so has a lot to do with my mental health, he thinks I am suffering not just from bi-polar but PTSD.

What do I say to his wife and kids? Sorry just doesn't seem to be enough.
Thank You....

Apparently EZ is deteriorating quickly. He is back on a Ventilator. Will be having a breathing tube inserted and a feeding tube and will be moving him into a Nursing home.

I don't do well with the whole tube thing. Long sob story that I am sure no one is interested in. My head doc has been telling me that what I experienced when I was 15 or so has a lot to do with my mental health, he thinks I am suffering not just from bi-polar but PTSD.

What do I say to his wife and kids? Sorry just doesn't seem to be enough.

been there in those sad situations. sorry isn't enough but also I just don't know what to say, or if I do know, I can't express myself. can't find the words.
Jimmy Carter sure got rid of cancer pretty quick. I'm sorry for everyone who battles it but I guarantee you there will never be a cure available to the masses.
Thank You....

Apparently EZ is deteriorating quickly. He is back on a Ventilator. Will be having a breathing tube inserted and a feeding tube and will be moving him into a Nursing home.

I don't do well with the whole tube thing. Long sob story that I am sure no one is interested in. My head doc has been telling me that what I experienced when I was 15 or so has a lot to do with my mental health, he thinks I am suffering not just from bi-polar but PTSD.

What do I say to his wife and kids? Sorry just doesn't seem to be enough.

You just being there will be enough. When one is lying there in bed it really brightens one mood to see a familiar face who made the trek to come some him. He will be pleased. So will his family. You will feel better also because you'll know you did the right thing for the right reason. Human dignity is rare these days and I am glad to see you have it.
You just being there will be enough. When one is lying there in bed it really brightens one mood to see a familiar face who made the trek to come some him. He will be pleased. So will his family. You will feel better also because you'll know you did the right thing for the right reason. Human dignity is rare these days and I am glad to see you have it.

X2 !!!!!

and I agree with 999, NO the masses will never see Jimmy's cure.