Can't keep Timing tape on balancer



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Hello, I can't seem to keep a timing tape on my balancer. This is on a 2001 5.9 magnum swap and I used the stock magnum type balancer. I have tried several different brands of timing tape and none will stay on.

Every time I have cleaned the balancer with lacquor thinner let it dry put the tape on and sprayed clear spray pait over it. I let it dry all night then within a few days it has flown off.

Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
I have tried with no paint as well. One thing I forgot to mention. I have been chasing a vibration between 1,100 and 1,500 RPM as well, could this be causing the tape to fly off?

I have a magnum 5.9 balancer, a magnum 5.9 flexplate and a neutral 318 converter. Is there something I'm missing? Could something else be causing the vibration?
Skip the paint. I used timing tape with no issues. Used carb cleaner let it dry and stuck it on.
cleaned one on a 426 hemi one time, painted it w/ fresh hemi orange paint and installed the tape when the paint was still a little sticky, never came off------bob
I'd also suggest a dab of super glue on the ends.

When I do crankshaft torisonal measurements with laser optical tape on dampers I use a small dab of normal super glue after cleaning on the ends of the tape. I've never had one fly off when done that way.

It is possible that the lacquer thinner residue is eating the glue on the tape. Try using rubbing alcohol instead. Won't melt things like carb cleaner.
I have tried with no paint as well. One thing I forgot to mention. I have been chasing a vibration between 1,100 and 1,500 RPM as well, could this be causing the tape to fly off?

I have a magnum 5.9 balancer, a magnum 5.9 flexplate and a neutral 318 converter. Is there something I'm missing? Could something else be causing the vibration?

Well if it's firing related that's 73-100Hz. If it's unbalance related that's 18-25 Hz, which would shake the crap out of the car. Is your damper getting hot to the touch on the outer diameter of it?

Like can you cool it down some and then run it for a few minutes and see if it's drastically hotter? It's possible your vibration is over working the damper and causing it to heat up. Long term this can cause the outer ring to separate and fly off.
Search - Hillbilly timing tape.

I never buy timing tapes anymore.
I ended up placing two wraps (ccw) of clear shipping tape and trimmed off the sides with a razor blade, still there as far as I know. Good luck!
Maybe it's the direction around that you are doing it that's at fault. If it has an overlap and you've got the wrong end overlapped it's more likely to 'catch air' as the balancer spins.
I had the same problem. I got an offset timing light and didn't need the tape anymore.
Buy a dial back timing gun with a tach. Makes tuning a breeze.

Those are very inaccurate at times. Type of ignition can play havoc. I never trust those unless they are verified will a std light.

I have a 20+ year old inductive timing light and hillbilly timing tape. It never lies! :)
I have a magnum 5.9 balancer, a magnum 5.9 flexplate and a neutral 318 converter. Is there something I'm missing? Could something else be causing the vibration?

I could be wrong, but won't you need a converter that is externally balanced as well, since the 5.9 is externally balanced?
I just paint marks on my damper with white-out or white touch up paint. It won't fly off, and is easier to see with the timing light...
Ok I looked up Hillbilly timing tape and will use this method. I'm tired of buying new timing tapes. Thanks Crackedback!

Now does anyone have an idea on my vibration? I was pretty sure the magnum flex plate I have is weighted so my neutral converter should be correct..... right?
You need to verify if the flexplate is weighted. Stock mopar ones usually were not.

If it's a B&M or TCI then possibly. B&M 10242?

That hillbilly timing tape works great. Two additional marks and you are good to 40* BTDC with a stock timing cover.
Here is the flex plate before the swap. Isn't that a weight I see? I really thought I was doing this right the first time. Can't stand the vibration :banghead:


  • Flexplate.jpg
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clear nail polish over the top of the tape extended over the edge. worked for us on many motors.
Here is the flex plate before the swap. Isn't that a weight I see? I really thought I was doing this right the first time. Can't stand the vibration :banghead:

I don't even know what a 5.9 Mag plate LOOKS LIKE but a few comments........

Mags are weighted differently than LA, Since you are not using an LA weighted flex, that part is no problem

BUT is it possible that you have a weighted CONVERTER?
No weights on converter. Using the same converter that was behind my mildly modified 318. It's a 318 B&M 2500 stall.