Captainkirk's Duster project

Where the hell are ya, you might be asking?
Sigh.... Right here.
See, I've been suffering the same economic woes our country has. Frankly I'm freakin' broke.
So, consequently, work on The Duke has screeched to a halt.
Yeah, I know there's stuff I can do without funding, but hell, the enthusiasm just ain't there without the scratch to back it up.
Another summer gone, with barely anything done, and the geese flying south for the winter.
I still never finished my Tale Of Woe; I guess I could work on that, anyway...LOL!
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The Duke's time will come Captn - and I 4 1 am looking forward 2 the outcome - you will know when its time - Just stay away from the 4sale signs!!
The Duke's time will come Captn - and I 4 1 am looking forward 2 the outcome - you will know when its time - Just stay away from the 4sale signs!!
That's one thing I've been avoiding.
I figure, the Duke's time WILL come.
Nothing good ever came from rushing.
The economy will rebound, and with it, some play money.....
and when it does, we'll be waitin'!
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Yeah, you know've been busy too. Most of you have been busier than me, judging from these threads.
Well, for what it's worth... MERRY CHRISTMAS, ONE & ALL!
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Merry Christmas Cap'n . . . don't feel bad, I'm just getting around to working on mine the first of the new year. Hasn't been time for me (I'm retired now), money (I have less), but I have plenty of excuses!! Rog :cheers: :toothy10:
And a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you Captain :happy10:
Thank you for all your creative writing and build 8)
Hi, all...I've missed you!
I do pop in every so often....
Hoping to make some headway this summer, once the weather breaks.
My goal is to get the engine compartment painted (which means committing to a color!) and possibly to get the subframe connectors purchased and at least bolted in, if not welded (they will be welded before hitting the street) And maybe I can get back to catching you all up as to what's been going on! Thanks for hanging in there......
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The Other Shoe Drops

Well, I’'ve bored you before. Might as well keep the ball in play.
I think where I left off with this story was with the new owners, and their high hopes.
This lasted until, oh, …about November. Roughly nine months.
Thanksgiving, to be precise.
The day after Thanksgiving, 2008 was an ‘optional holiday’… we could work if we chose, or not.
I chose to work only because I was somewhat behind schedule. Sam was up in the north woods deer hunting…, which I longed to be, (we usually hunted together each year) but it didn'’t matter because money was tight; out-of-state fees were up, and I was broke.
So, about mid-day Roy calls me into his office and tells me he’'s decided to close the company.
Ummmm...…say again?
Yep. He’'s been losing money hand-over-fist. And discovering maybe this wasn'’t his cup o'’ tea.
Fine time to tell me, pal.
He tells me to let my crew go. …Sam & I can stay on to tie up “loose ends” for a week or so.
That’s all, folks!


Now I'’ve been around the block a time or two. I’'ve been based on this airfield since the early eighties, built up a nice customer base and made a reputation for myself. I’'d also befriended a number of my customers. They trusted me, and I returned the favor by doing the best job I could. And now I'’m supposed to pack it in and find another job?
I had a better idea…
I picked up the phone and let my fingers do the walking.
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Hey Captain...thanks for checkin in. Believe or not your the reason i kept coming back to this site. Guess i could not get enough of the Duke, it's been a great ride so far!

Well where ya been pilgrim??? Miss your wit and writings. Pray that you are doing well financially and homelife is as good as it gets! Welcome back!! Rog :hello1:
Oye! Cap`n! :salute::salute:
We've been missing ya. I hear you on the economy and being broke. We got a SCHA-WEET tax return, mainly due to me putting extra $$$ into Fed Tax every pay and our medical expenses this year. I was hopeful to take 1/2 of the return and place into the "budget" for the Duster, but with the way things are going w/economy and the never ending "What's going to happen next???" at work the decision to stick all of the return into savings was the better choice:hmph:

Need to have some cushion to keep the roof over our heads. And since the Duster's been waiting since I re-acquired it back in 95 a few more ??? (months/years/decades) might not hurt - at least since it's in the garage.

I really wanted to get moving on it this summer. Since I have the full AMD floor and a mig that's ready to weld I can at least "get started". So, all is not lost until it's time for $$$ on the paint / drive-line / and etc. etc. Maybe by that time "NO-Bama" will be out and whoever will be in then we'll see if things get better? ? ?

Glad to see you're back and posting on the site. Come-on Cap`n got any more old stories from "back in the day" to share?:happy1:
Oye! Cap`n! :salute::salute:
Glad to see you're back and posting on the site. Come-on Cap`n got any more old stories from "back in the day" to share?:happy1:

Hmm...I thought I'd skinned that cat. But I'm sure if I crack the vault door to the ol' memory bank I might be able to find a kernel or two and put 'em down in writing. Give me a few days and I'll come up with something!
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Thanks to all who welcomed me back. I'll try to bring the thread (and the whirlwind of events that accompanied it) up to date, and not leave you all wondering where I went off to....
One thing I've gotta comment on; Since I began this thread, oh...way back in Ought-Six, I've done a fair bit of writing & posting on other forums as well about other subjects (some of which you've been entertained with here). Nowhere, on no other forum, have I received the loyalty and following you guys have provided. It's nice to be appreciated. And frankly, it makes me want to write more!

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"Well, pilgrim, this is the Duke speaking at ya. You'd better have a darn good reason fer....wakin' me up and I'll have ya know I'm a bit irritated....Now what was it you wanted?"
"Well, pilgrim, this is the Duke speaking at ya. You'd better have a darn good reason fer....wakin' me up and I'll have ya know I'm a bit irritated....Now what was it you wanted?"

Duke, We want you to give the Cap`n a kick in the butt and get him to "crack open the vault" and give us a few tid bits . . . oh, and if you're willing to allow him to do so have him post up a few pictures of you.:pirate:

March sucks. I have many reasons for this astute observation, the first having to do with an old adage; “ March… comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Only half true. True, in part, because as January with her icy tentacles gives way to February with her wild mood swings, and the huge mounds of blackened snow begin to dwindle in the warm, tantalizing, lengthening rays of sunlight, bringing hope, anticipation, and...…March. In she comes, like the proverbial Lion. But she rarely, if ever, leaves like a lamb. Most times she leaves more like a tigress, soft, furry, but far from de-clawed.
March, you see, is A Damned Liar.
She teases us, usually while we are busy toiling at the job or at home, stretched far too thin to break free from the yoke of our labors and go for a ride. Some idiot (never me, damn it!) will go riding by, the distant rumble of the motor’'s thunder will stir and tear at emotions slumbering deep inside you, and then fade away, like the last struggling rays of a sunset being snuffed out by the darkness; leaving a yearning and longing deep within, an itch not scratched.
March has few high points; one being St. Patrick’'s Day, when I manage to put aside my winter doldrums and enjoy my corned beef and cabbage, boiled red potatoes, soda bread, and of course, Guinness Extra Stout (and perhaps a wee nip o'’ the Jameson’'s after dinner…...”always after me Lucky Charms!” )
St. Pat’'s also brought the taunting siren’s call of near-60’s temperatures, with the heavy dirt-smell of thawing earth, the twittering of a few brave bird-souls and the warm caresses of errant breezes playing about your ears as you walk about outdoors; teasing and tempting you to just take off the damn jacket! and come play. And damned if you don'’t think about it as you work, but by the time work is finished, the sun is a huge electric-orange basketball hanging low on the horizon, the shadows long and tall, and you realize you need the jacket after all.
March is, after all, A Damned Liar.
Two days later came freezing temps, rain, hail and wind…...*****!
March also takes her leave with a bad aura hanging in the air; like the distant, lingering stench of burned rubber or fried electrical wires.
You see, twenty-two years ago, I lost my Dad to March. She caught me napping, off-guard, like a thief in the night. I never got to say Good Bye, never got to tell him how much he meant to me. That I loved him. That he was the greatest influence in my life, and the finest example of one that anyone could ever have.
She blew a hole in my heart big enough to toss a cat through, and left me there to die.
But I survived; the wound healed, but never went away. The scar remains, and every so often, (usually right after the short-lived enjoyment of St. Pat’'s), she'’ll make it a point to remind me, ol'’ March will. Dig at the scar. Poke at the scab. And I find that it can still hurt. The Jameson'’s seldom lasts past the end of the month….
Deep in the depths of my garage, the car and motorcycles slumber silently under their covers, nothing but stale air in their empty, drained float bowls, the gasoline in their tanks going slowly flat. Winter is a long time going here in the heartland. We’'ve already met the first of my pre-riding requirements; a heavy downpour two weeks ago, a true frog-strangler that ended up as a hailstorm. This served to wash away most of the White Death laid down by the city and county trucks, but the roads still remain littered with sand and gravel. Especially in the corners. I start looking and paying close attention this time of year. And the weather doesn'’t cooperate much either; I find myself still scraping frost off the windows of my truck in the early mornings. Yes, I know some people ride as soon as the snow melts, some as soon as the roads are clear, trundled up like so many Eskimos with their heated grips and other newfangled contraptions…. I’'m no wuss, but let’'s face it; to me, riding is not “cheap transportation” nor a machismo contest. It'’s an adrenaline surge, a freedom call, a jailbreak from the Winter State Prison. But most of all, it has to be enjoyable. And freezing my *** off, riding on gravel-strewn roads, in high, gusty winds with snow flurries or sudden, icewater deluges just ain'’t my cup ‘o tea. I suppose I could ride, just to prove a point, but then Van Gogh lopped off an ear to prove a point, which I don'’t think showed much in the way of smarts either.
And so, I wait. WE wait. Maddeningly slow, we wait, and listen to her damn lies.
As I write this, I am amused by the fact that the plates on my Buell expire at the stroke of midnight tonight, …March 31st...…only a few scant hours from now. And I haven'’t even fired it up in The Year Of Our Lord 2011 yet.
But tomorrow is April Fool'’s Day, (appropriately enough!), and snow flurries are in the forecast. Likely I will drive over to the DMV over the upcoming weekend and get my stickers, but the forecast doesn'’t show anything that I might even remotely consider good riding weather for several weeks. While I hate to leave a good plate “un-stickered”, I can think of better things to do with half a C-note than stick it to cold steel and cover it up again. I may wait, after all…
In a few short hours, March will be behind me, with the whispered promises of April holding far more credence and truth than March could ever wish to. And we will be here waiting, my car, my motorcycles and I.
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Picking up the phone; I dialed the number of a former business associate who also happened to own a similar aircraft repair business close by. He had expressed an interest in our little enterprise several times in the past, but had not been able to connect with terms agreeable to both parties. “Sam” and I put our heads (and meager resources) together and met with "Harold”" for a quick emergency session; we came up with an offer that was way below Roy’'s asking price, but better, in our opinion, than him just walking away from the deal.
Apparently he thought so, too.
So there we were; three-way partners in a business that Sam & I had been working at for over 30 years combined. Could we make it work? That would remain to be seen.
"Harold" decided he would control the bookkeeping and finances, only working two days a week and draw a limited salary, I would control maintenance, and Sam would control Avionics sales and installations, both of us full-time, business-as-usual. We kept our two employees on for the time being; everyone'’s salary staying the same. The only difference was we had no choice but to not offer health insurance, which worked out, as we either obtained coverage through our spouses or through the VA.
We reached an agreement with the owner of the building and Roy, tossed the dice, and….
Presto! Just like that; Business Owners!

Now, just because you’'ve been doing something for thirty years doesn'’t make you a businessman. And we weren'’t stupid or naïve enough to think it would. However, Harold'’s business background and the fact that in this rapidly failing economy, his business was succeeding, were encouraging signs. We signed the papers December 31st, 2009, and bravely sailed forth into uncharted waters…..
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Running a business has proven to be a different cup of tea from directing one from the floor....but two (busy) years have passed, and we're still in business. And while we're earning less today than even two years ago due to the ravages of inflation, we're still in the black, even if just barely. Which says a lot compared to previous ownerships.
And so, there is my tale of woe, and an explanation as to why work on The Duke has slowed to a crawl; lack of funding and loss of free-time. But this project is far from dead, in my mind. I have aspirations and goals for the upcoming warm season that should move me ever closer to the finish line, and hopefully have lots of gory tales complete with pictures for all of you who have followed along and waited patiently for this thread to continue.
May the journey be a short one.....
Good news for those of you who have followed this saga from the beginning;
My writings have caught the eye of a publisher who has expressed interest in doing a book. Nothing concrete, but I will keep you informed as to future developments......