caught a thief on my trail cam



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
got a trail cam up on the back 40
been a while since I checked it so the date is a few months old

as long as he just goes for the bluegill, I don't mind, but if I catch him poaching bass I may have to shoot him
ive watched them at times work their way around the pond...they're better fishers then I am

They do it for a living.:D
Bluegills are a surface fish for the most part, and so they are a bit more exposed to a bird, and Bass are surface and shallow edges hunters also, so he just may get some.
Biggest Bass I ever caught was 5.5lbs and I caught him on a spinner less than 3 feet from the waters edge.
I was walking down the shoreline dragging the lure in the water with about 3 feet of line out.
I thought it snagged on something so I stopped and turned around to see, but didn't see the lure (bright green) in 6 inches of water.
Then he took off.:D
haven't weighed em, but there are 2 large small mouth bass in there one in the 18 inch range, the other 22

then there are some large mouths in there, probably about a foot long now
and 2 large catfish

its a fun little pond
most of the fish are documented here
stocking a pond
A heron emptied the neighbors yard pond a couple years ago. Easy pickings!
Just this morning we watched a hawk fly off with a squirrel. That's one that won't feast on my truck wiring!
Wait till he flys over your car and drops a Big Gulp size Poo Bomb on your Mopar ! Lol
A lot of them live down here near the water.......................Those birds can bend over and stick their heads down between their legs. Once it has its' head and beak down between its' legs it shoves that long beak up its' ***, then it whistles. You can here the whistle for a Mile Or More!!! "Myloemore":rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I've seen them swallow a baby duck whole. Grabbed it by the neck and flipped it up and swallowed it. Watched one fly off with a full grown painted turtle.
Watched one try to swallow a three foot long snake. It would get it half swallowed and regurgitate it then chomp on it the middle trying to cut it in half. I watched it do that three times until I went for my camera and it saw me and walked off behind the bushes so I don't know how that one ended but I'll bet the bird won in the end.
A lot of them live down here near the water.......................Those birds can bend over and stick their heads down between their legs. Once it has its' head and beak down between its' legs it shoves that long beak up its' ***, then it whistles. You can here the whistle for a Mile Or More!!! "Myloemore":rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I know a lot of people that can do that sort of trick, but it's usually someone else's ***.
I've seen them swallow a baby duck whole. Grabbed it by the neck and flipped it up and swallowed it. Watched one fly off with a full grown painted turtle.
Watched one try to swallow a three foot long snake. It would get it half swallowed and regurgitate it then chomp on it the middle trying to cut it in half. I watched it do that three times until I went for my camera and it saw me and walked off behind the bushes so I don't know how that one ended but I'll bet the bird won in the end.
That was a hell of a play-by-play there LOL
A lot of them live down here near the water.......................Those birds can bend over and stick their heads down between their legs. Once it has its' head and beak down between its' legs it shoves that long beak up its' ***, then it whistles. You can here the whistle for a Mile Or More!!! "Myloemore"

10/4 ... LOL .. no but it's good to see that guy is finally coming out of his shell. :realcrazy:

Tell him " Beware those are no match for green tips" :elmer:

They are rough on the mower blades.. hear it? :eek:
There's a lot of them around here, I saw a few today, there's a old coal mine camp not far from me named after them called Blue Herron, it's by the south fork of the Cumberland river and has a train ride that takes you down to the mines.