Center force pressure plate - is it noisy with the weights?

If you can hear them moving, your mufflers are no good,lol

Ok seriously, I have never heard mine.
But sometimes the flyweights don't all seem to return to the same resting point, and then I notice a small vibration. This occasionally happens at cruising speed, 2200rpm/64mph. I just clutch it and blip the throttle, then it's all better.

But if you take either of them out and shake them, then you can hear stuff rattling around.
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I have never heard mine as well. I would think centrifugal force would pin them against the retainer ring/ spring thingy to the point that they couldnt rattle. That said I have a Holley red pump that can be heard a mile away, if the clutch is making noise it's not loud enough to be heard over the POS fuel pump.