cheap fencing


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
I am thinking lately that I want to enclose the area I have my cars parked at with some kind of fencing.

Its a rural area and most people mind their own business its just that I feel the need to enclose it in so that new comers to the area will have no idea what is there and the subject of old cars will never come up....and if it ever does I can say "what cars...I don't see nuffin"

What do you guys use for fencing and any ideas to get a good looking inconspicuous fence system that is not very expensive and very effective???


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we just used field fencing....but we went around the entire 5 acres with it....
Whatever evergreen bushes grow best in your area. A Natural fence is the best of the least expensive to conceal.

Good fences make good neighbors.
eveegreen trees an exellent idea. where i live too hot n dry. plus termites. i vote get used cast off oil field pipe. super thick and usually cheap to near free for the posts. weld C channel to it for cross ties. then use either screwed on pickets, or steel corrugate.

mebbe cultivate creeping ivy to go up the sides of the fence to further hide it.
Don't use cedar trees, they literally explode in a wild fire. All of our wildfires in the last few years were fueled by cedar trees.

I have a guard lama that takes care of the back acreage of the property now. Between her, the goat and the donkey, people no longer are going down there.
scrap some old pallets. use the slats for the fencing and the sides for posts. Only good for a few feet but cheap!
Fencing in general is not cheap. I did a couple sections for someone a few years ago with 6 foot high 'dog eared' pressure treated 1 x 6 boards and I think it was about the cheapest available per foot then,
If you really want to keep out the rif-raff, here's an idea...


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Fencing in general is not cheap. I did a couple sections for someone a few years ago with 6 foot high 'dog eared' pressure treated 1 x 6 boards and I think it was about the cheapest available per foot then,
If you really want to keep out the rif-raff, here's an idea...

Gotta watch out when putting like that up. The black knight might come attacking!

I have chain link around my entire property.
Build a mote around your property and fill it with crocodiles, alligators, and sharks....
Electrified barb wire.

lol, With infrared/heat seeking video surveillance drones?

6'x8' stockade is the cheapest new stuff in this area that conceals most.
Try talking to an installer. Maybe you can find someone pulling a half way decent fence down for new in your area.
You want "non see through" so this really limits actual fencing. The woven "add on" to chain link is not that effective. Practically speaking, this limits you, really, to wood slat. Unless you have an "in" with someone and can wait for a "deal" (Maybe a customer bailed out or changed their mind)

Otherwise, it just depends on how inattractive you are willing to put up with, salvaged roofing / siding materials, etc


Of course there's always...........

I always thought it would be cool to put up LED panels for fencing.
That way you could put any color, scene, or anything you wanted, like a machine gun nest with moving Germans, or a lion cruising the fenceline.

The possibilities one could use would be pretty much endless.
Holy crap, and then you could get sounds and everything.

Someone comes to close to your fence and a cop appears with a flashlight shining at them say's "HEY, what do you think you are doing?"
"You have 10 seconds before I open fire." (And he could, but just the sounds :)) about old chevies stacked (3 should do it) nose to tail ...should keep lookie lous out :) ...probable get them free at your local junkyard
I already have barbed wire going around the whole place but I don't use all the land just a sectioned off section that I don't want people to see dad drew a line and made a section for me to do my car stuff. I am not allowed to park old cars next to the house or in the front anymore but in the designated section, I can do whatever I want.

one side of the barbed wire is electric for the animals one rebel horse who likes get out and go running up the street.

A guard Lama and a goat sound like great ideas do sound like great ideas
Leland Cypress trees. Plat the small trees about 15 feet apart, and in ten years no one will know the cars are behind them.
Be careful when digging the post holes. Make sure theres nothing buried that will hurt you such as power/gas lines or whatever. And good luck digging the post holes.....itll wear our arms out quick. Maybe rent a power unit to get them done.
I already have barbed wire going around the whole place but I don't use all the land just a sectioned off section that I don't want people to see dad drew a line and made a section for me to do my car stuff. I am not allowed to park old cars next to the house or in the front anymore but in the designated section, I can do whatever I want.

one side of the barbed wire is electric for the animals one rebel horse who likes get out and go running up the street.

A guard Lama and a goat sound like great ideas do sound like great ideas

Sounds like someone has a smurf infestation. :D:eek:ops:
If you know someone who does fencing, they are always removing fence, often good fence that could be free or cheap.
If you know someone who does fencing, they are always removing fence, often good fence that could be free or cheap.

I had not thought of that but that is a great idea.

all I need is a about a 100 foot section ...straight line and with the buildings and other natural barriers I can close it in.

This is all about aesthetics for me more than security because I have a gate on the front driveway so for someone to get back there in the first place is restricted path. This is all about good housekeeping and keeping things looking tidy and out of sight, out of mind.