Check the first kid out !!!!!


Johnny Dart

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
So Cal
This is a video of my sons college football team lifting.
He is the first lifter. He ways a little over 190lbs and plays running back. Today he cleaned 310lbs,only 3 others were able to do it and they are all Big O-lineman !!!! lol
He said the whole gym was freakin out.
Ya...Pretty proud Pop !!!!
Dam! He's a bad *** Johnny! What the heck have you been feeding him all these years? :)
Dang man :tongue9::tongue9:I would hate to be the one to try and stop him at the line :-D
He has the power :naka: the whole gym did freak out when they seen the 190lb running back make the lift, I am proud for ya, :cheers:

Very cool Johnny 8) I bet he mows over a lot of defensive lines men this year.

You must be a proud Dad:cheers:
WOW!!!!! very impressive. If I did something like that um........can you say hemeroid
I think I might have to stay out of the kids

He might pick me up and chuck me !!!!!! :naka:

I guess there is a time when a boy takes the torch from Dad,if you know what I mean. This might be that time. :clock:
I think I might have to stay out of the kids

He might pick me up and chuck me !!!!!! :naka:

I guess there is a time when a boy takes the torch from Dad,if you know what I mean. This might be that time. :clock:
I didn't know you were old enough to have a kid in college! LOL Heck, I'm 44 and my kids are 10 & 6. I started late!
Anyway, impressive video you posted there. No way I could fend off a guy like him anymore. Maybe 20 years ago!

Glad he's on our side of the law!

DAMN i weight lift in my school but never that much