Christmas Shrub shopping.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Some of my fondest memories growing up were going Christmas Tree shopping. Don't know if my Dad planned it this way but every year we went it was normally the nastiest weather day we had up to that point of the winter. Several years we, it was always just him & I, were out in damn near Blizzard conditions. We would start out at the Pinebrook Raceway parking lot, this guy always had the most trees, and they were the biggest, nicest ones around. We would end up stopping at damn near every place selling trees only to end up back at Pinebrook Raceway. Tradition continued with my Ex. I can remember the last year we lived in Jersey, the first day we were going to go it was 31* and raining, winds were whipping around so hard she refused to go. Next weekend, which was the weekend prior to Christmas it was in the teens and the second day of a snow storm, so the snow was pretty deep. Deep enough that using the 4 wheel drive in my old V-8 Ranger was not an option. Things changed when we moved to AZ, going Christmas Tree shopping in shorts, sleeveless t-shirt and flip flops just aint the same. So far since we have been here in Ford Washington it has always been cold and rainy/snowy when we go looking for a tree. Just to compensate for this it seems like I always pick the chilliest day of the season, to date, to put up the lights...
should be cold enough today, not too nasty. wear your shorts and flipflops and go get your tree. lol I have fond memories of Dad and I tromping through the woods, knee deep in snow, in search of our tree. I miss those days.
Sounds like great memories and yeah, shorts and flip flops would throw the whole thing into a loop for sure.

The wife and I took the kids out for several years hunting for "the tree" only to realize my daughter is severely allergic to them so it's fake trees for us sadly, they just are not the same.
My twenty one year old son went with me yesterday to pick out our tree. It was about twelve degrees out. We found a nice tree and the guy got it all trimmed up for us. We carried it out to the car only to realize that my new Escape doesn't have a roof rack! WTH are we gonna do now? We opened up the hatch and shoved an eight foot Douglas Fir into my company car! My son had to hold on to the trunk so that I could drive and keep it away from the steering wheel on the two mile drive home. We laughed at our selves all the way. Who says Christmas memories can't still be made?
My twenty one year old son went with me yesterday to pick out our tree. It was about twelve degrees out. We found a nice tree and the guy got it all trimmed up for us. We carried it out to the car only to realize that my new Escape doesn't have a roof rack! WTH are we gonna do now? We opened up the hatch and shoved an eight foot Douglas Fir into my company car! My son had to hold on to the trunk so that I could drive and keep it away from the steering wheel on the two mile drive home. We laughed at our selves all the way. Who says Christmas memories can't still be made?

Sounds like something that will be remembered forever....Thanks for the laugh...