Chrysler to spend $374 million on transmission plants in Ind.

oh the stories i could tell of the jackasses that work in those plants...

Back in the mid 80's, I used to do new car check-in's and inspections on the cars that we were takin delivery of at the dealership,...two of the most notable finds were both "K" cars,...One was a Reliant/Aries,..Right side was badged Aries,...Left was badged Reliant, and the last 6 of the Vin was 000001,...Chrysler took that one back,.....

The second was a brand new car that had been ordered and delivered 2 weeks previous,...Had a helluva rattle in the dash,...I took it apart and found a Pepsi can half fulla nuts and washers with a note taped to the outside that read" How long did it take you to find this?",...
between my father, mother, and I we have owned over 50 mopars old and brand new, my most recent was an srt8 300 and we have NEVER had a problem with them other than a dakota r/t blowing a heater hose. Old OR new, Mopar is Mopar, youre either in it all the way or youre not at all, i threw up in my mouth a little when i saw the ford mentioned in this post