Cleaning brake parts



Jun 13, 2008
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What do I need to clean the brake parts? I'm not sure if I have a wheel seal leaking or if it was from a leaking wheel cylinder but it sure needs a good cleaning before I put it back together.
DO NOT smoke around that stuff, and turn off any garage heaters and leave them off until the smell goes away.
Works good, but deadly stuff.

Thanks George, I don't smoke and the garage has heat from the house so were OK there. I guess you've got snow.
Thanks George, I don't smoke and the garage has heat from the house so were OK there. I guess you've got snow.
Yep. Got about 9" here today. They predicted 4-7. Had to plow it cause I sure as hell aint shovelin! LOL Cold as f&^k too.

The fumes (if burned) from Brake Cleaner can cause instant, very serious, lasting health problems. I don't even stock any in the garage anymore. If I need a can I go buy one. Whatever happens to be left over will go out in the shed.

Good Luck on the brake job!

I don't miss the snow. I drove an 18 wheeler delivering furniture for Direct Buy. Was in your area twice a week. I miss coming to the New England states, just not the snow.
Most people that pass through here tell me how much they hate the area! LOL Especially truckers because most of the 2 lanes are very narrow and always congested with rude drivers, and the Interstates are bumper to bumper almost all day.

I myself dislike the NE because of the poor attitude of those that live here. Most people that live here have a "F&^k you, and hurray for me" attitude. None are helpful or kind or courtious to others. Even if you go out of your way to be nice to someone, even if it's something simple like hold a door open for someone, or let someone into traffic, they almost always just walk/drive away without even acknowledging you. It seems to be that the more wealthy a person is, the more likely they are to be rude & nasty.

Anyway, if you're ever in the area on a weekend, PM me and I'll buy you a cup of coffee. My house has no crappy attitude, we just laugh in their faces which pisses them off even more! LOL

Hi George, I guess I was lucky I dealt with the same people in the same stores each time. I know what you are saying about the attitudes though. In N.C. a lot of people move here from up north. They always say they came for the more relaxed and easy going people. To get away from the rat race they say. Then 6 months later they have their attitude and create their own rat race here with other people who moved here. I've been all over the US and Canada with mostly good memories. Be safe in the snow.
Oh, heck, just buy some acetone. that stuff will clean anything, including the first 3 layers if skin you have. kidding, it will work, and chems that won't clean body for paint? it works on anything. Play with zylene or mek, if you can't clean.