Cleaning dash pad for dye

Laquer thinner!! Suggested to me by the guy who used to run Mopaints, who worked in the interior dept. at Chrysler back in the day!! Geof
X2. Unless there is a coating I DONT want to remove - I prep pretty much everything with laquer thinner
Maybe warm water and soap first, then Laq thinner.
simple green, purple power what ever degreaser you want. Then thinner or acetone
I will use a good stiff brush or scouring pad when degreasing to get in the cracks & texture
The vendor who carry SEMs products should have the cleaner prep also.
The cheaper alternative to the SEM cleaner is Ronson lighter fluid. It is the same stuff

yup works good too! the only problem I have now is finding enough of it to do the things I need done like cleaning dash pads. reducing silicone so I can seal up porous rubber gasket or smoothing out a mold. I usually have to hit 3 or 4 stores to get enough cans to last me a month since they usually only have 1 on hand. I might have to order it online and pay stupid shipping prices if this keeps up.
The cheaper alternative to the SEM cleaner is Ronson lighter fluid. It is the same stuff

You need to make sure that the lighter fluid you're using contains naphtha, the alternative ingredient to the cleaner. Many lighter fluid companies have gone away from naphtha and the new formulas could do more harm than good! Geof
The closest alternative to the prep I have found is pvc pipe cleaner/prep for plumbing and I have used that on plastic before. It not any less expensive than the proper prep.