cleaning parts



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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hey guys, can i use brake kleen to clean up parts upon installation ?
or something else.....
The Moped Army guys like to use household dishwashers....

Just Sayin'
brake clean buy it buy the 30 gal barrel add to rechargeable spray can good to go
you want to use a non chlorinated brake cleaner or something that leaves ZERO residue and in non corrosive.

I've used rubbing alcohol to clean the deck for a head gasket,intake, etc...

but non chlorinated brake cleaners my fav.
Why not use petrol......gasoline, you's call it.

For the love of Pete, DO NOT use gasoline for anything other than making your car run.
Because of gasoline's high evaporation rate, all you need is one little spark to ruin your whole day, or your whole life.
There are many safer and less explosive alternatives for cleaning parts.
Brake clean's fine. I've used laquer thinner, castrol super clean, simple green, disheashing soap and warm water... So long as it's clean and you can breath an not explode anything's fine.
I use the "Awesome cleaner" available at any dollar tree store...

This stuff lives up to it's name, especially on engine compartment panels.
Brake clean is fine but for stubborn stuff I spray it with oven cleaner. Rinse the oven cleaner well then wash with Dawn soap.