clutch fork adjustment rod


Dave NEO

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
on my '68 383 4 spd has a distinct S- shape - all I see in clutch linkage pics are straight ones or some with a bent end at Z bar attachment point. Is this a DIY creation by a PO or has anyone see some like this?
ok- here's a pic - it lines up good with the z-bar and the clutch fork - but maybe one of those is not right for the car/tranny. It's an 18 spline hemi 4 spd date coded for a '71 car. 383 is a '68. This car started life as slant 6, 3 spd.

That is modified, I but somebody used the wrong length throwout bearing arm, or the wrong piviot point in the bell-housing.
A, B & E bodies are different.
sheesh - why do that vs. getting correct/longer clutch fork? WELL..I'm getting throw-out bearing replaced and pilot bushing I 'spose while they are at it, and inspect rest of clutch components. Maybe they will have a suggestion for some other parts in this linkage.
Lol, that "s" curve whoop-t-do is supposed to be on the bell crank arm!
maybe you misunderstood - this was attaching the clutch fork to the zbar (bell crank or clutch cross shaft). Have you see this type before?
That thing looks like it could bend / break easily. I DID break one once in my 70RR after a Fri night trip to Carlsbad. Just drove it back with no clutch!!
thanks for follow-up/pic - got a feeling I might be in market for one of those - me and mechanic gotta decide route to go on this so it's a better set-up - might explain early throw-out bearing failure or other issues...we'll see. seems bell crank or clutch fork is wrong for car if they need this bent rod to align stuff..
A dark, blown up picture of mine from the rear but it may give you the idea...….
thanks - what motor is in there? spring hooked on bottom vs top side in notch on clutch fork?
440/11" B&B clutch 143 tooth FW.
Lol, It's a heavier spring and has been there since I don't recall. As I recall I put it that way for a straighter pull back on the fork. Top side would tend to pull it down. The Lakewood isn't standard either and that open hole where the other end of the spring runs through was just to convenient.
of course it was.ha. OK hey whatever works well. looks like close clearance for rod.