Colorful connection



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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Some of you might know this, but there are 2 big universities here in Michigan
The big prestigious one, with a great football and a great basketball program is called Michigan State Univerity and their colors are green and white

The other big one is the university of Michigan...a great college if you intend to work at a gas station the rest of your life, and their colors are blue and yellow

Well, today I was shopping at the Wal-Mart and this guy in a Wal-Mart vest passed me by...then a guy in a u-of-m shirt passed me by and I noticed...they are the exact same colors


I think not!
There fixed it,lol
You did, but I didn't want to give away the punch line
(Then again, if we are talking to u-of-m grads, we may need to spell it out several times more before they get it)
ah yes the MSU Tampons ,only good for 1 period and no second string . Comparing an Agricultural College to a University shows the true education level of the grads .1 has a medical school the other grows great grass , hard to believe it's not the kind you smoke .Also last time I was there all the stock boys at Meijers were wearing a familiar green .

Maze your Face -Hail to the Victors