comparing time slips



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
so I went to the local track a while ago and there was a TON of information on the time slips
reaction time, 60ft time, 1/8th time, 1/4 time ET
all sorts of information

then yesterday I got another time slip and all that was on there was a trap speed, a posted "dial in speed" and dollar amount

what gives?
well, that's what the ones from the track looked like, but the other time slip I got wasn't at a local track ;)
So..... Did the trooper remember to sign the "time slip" and give you a courtesy envelope to mail in the money???

:D :D
I'm going to replace everything dumb i said above...with this wow did i miss it! my bad
Here's another to redeem

Those famous words.... " gonna be bad"
Some cops have a sense of humour and some don't.

I was stopped at a checkpoint while driving my Demon.
Cop--Kind of loud isn't it? (not smiling)
Me-- You should hear when I get on it. (smiling)
Cop-- Get going, (smiling)
Me -- Have a nice day (smiling)

I wonder what would have happened if you would have left in a hurry Jack...I bet his smile would have turned to a grin in a hurry.
Actually, I know the awnser to that
I got pulled over ages ago on a dirt bike (back when I still lived in the netherlands)
I got off with a warning but I left in a little bit too big of a hurry and rooster tailed all over the officer and his bike...he interpreted that as assault
Actually, I know the awnser to that
I got pulled over ages ago on a dirt bike (back when I still lived in the netherlands)
I got off with a warning but I left in a little bit too big of a hurry and rooster tailed all over the officer and his bike...he interpreted that as assault

Well that just sucks.

I got pulled over in the wee hrs of the morning on my way to work tried the nice approach first as the officer was standing in the middle of the highway waiving his arm for me to pull over,when he got to the window I rolled it down and before he could speak I asked him if he'd been here long. Reply was no. So I said that's good cause I got here as fast as I could so that he didn't have to wait. No smile no laugh just a 600 dollar fine and the speech on how he could impound my car.
I have the opposite luck when I'm in the Barracuda . Just back from paint no side or back glass , no bumpers one burned out running light up front , young cop at checkstop struts toward me whipping out his ticket book , old cop sticks his arm out palming him in the solar plexis , smiles at me and says "ain't nothing wrong with that car, have a nice night sir " Me "thanks you have a nice night as well " into the Hortons I go to check my britches then straight home grinning.