Copperhead + Timber Rattler



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2012
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Jessieville, Arkansas
I just killed this crossing the gravel just off of the blacktop at the edge of the barn lot.
I was on the 4 wheeler going to get the mail and almost ran over it. I almost had heart failure and almost crashed the 4 wheeler getting stopped.
I ran and got a hoe and cut it's head off about 1 1/2" back.
It is 30 1/2 inches long.
Even with it's head cut off it was trying to strike and bite me when I took this photo.
Copperhead 42616.jpg
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Man good thing you came across it out in the open not in a dark corner in the barn.
I thought I posted this in General Discussion, not in politics.


Could a Moderator please move this.


Even with it's head cut off it was trying to strike and bite me when I took this photo.
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I was fishing on a river bank in Oklahoma one hot afternoon, and looked down to see one slithering between my feet, I just stood still and and it trucked on by. Not as big as that one though.
I was fishing on a river bank in Oklahoma one hot afternoon, and looked down to see one slithering between my feet, I just stood still and and it trucked on by. Not as big as that one though.

A friend of mine reached in a box in his shop and got nailed on his hand. His wife rushed him to the hospital, and his hand was black by the time he got there. Luckily he is fine now.
That is a big one, but a 15 incher scared me to death when I found it in our living room a few years ago!
tastes just like McDonalds chicken nuggets. pass the sauce please? ha

if that scares ya what would do stepping on an Eastern diamond back, seen them 6 ft. me I just pee in my pants! no joke.
Here is the timber rattler (velvet tail) that my neighbor across the road shot at his front porch steps in June of 2011

About 5 feet long.

His 4 year old son heard the dogs barking and went outside and almost stepped on it.

He went back inside and told his Dad Big Snake. Dad emptied a 10 round clip into it.

I think the wood rats in the illegal junk yard next door attract the snakes.

I hope them snakes didn't go to waste. They are some GOOD eatin.
Another thing I don't miss from AZ. Have been told that by the Gravel yard, about 6 miles from us, that the area is infested with Rattlesnakes of some sort. I know that area is infested with Marmots, have ran 3 over with the chopper.
Don't use our gas grill. Wanted to move it last year. Opened it up to find a birds nest with a few eggs. Waited a few weeks to find the birds replaced with 3 snakes...Good times
"Dad emptied a 10 round clip into it" better get glasses. I see 1 hit. missing 9 times will get you bit
Another thing I don't miss from AZ. Have been told that by the Gravel yard, about 6 miles from us, that the area is infested with Rattlesnakes of some sort. I know that area is infested with Marmots, have ran 3 over with the chopper.
Don't use our gas grill. Wanted to move it last year. Opened it up to find a birds nest with a few eggs. Waited a few weeks to find the birds replaced with 3 snakes...Good times
Another thing I don't miss from AZ. Have been told that by the Gravel yard, about 6 miles from us, that the area is infested with Rattlesnakes of some sort. I know that area is infested with Marmots, have ran 3 over with the chopper.
Don't use our gas grill. Wanted to move it last year. Opened it up to find a birds nest with a few eggs. Waited a few weeks to find the birds replaced with 3 snakes...Good times

not poisonous.
a few yrs ago, I was burning a brush pile just outside my back fence. It`s where I always throw storm downed limbs and such, usually burn it every yr., so it gets quite large. was setting on the tailgate of my p/u watching it burn, two huge rats came out the other end, a couple of seconds later a big black snake came out, w/ his huge head about a ft. above the grass "that needed mowing." it was about softball size in the middle, and just kept coming out of the brush plie. I was dumbfounded I guess, I had a pistol in the truck and didn`t even think about it. the snakes head went in the weeds at the edge of the creek before his tail came out of the brush pile. after the pile burned down where I could get to it, I measured the distance between the edge of the burn and the weeds, 9ft and 1" . just happened to be at the Tulsa zoo a couple of days later, and talked to the reptile lady (keeper?) she said it was an unusually large rat snake, good that I didn`t kill it . every time I mowed down there for about 3-4 yrs, I`d think of that snake ! sorry for long post!-------bob
Don't bother those black snakes. They won't bother you, but they're pretty hard on mice, rats, and copperheads.
blacksnakes are pretty common round here, I like that they eat some nice, BUT, I have had them strangle a young pullet, but too big for them to swallow. done it several times, so now I kill them when I get the chance, and buy the GOOD rat bait......

when I was a small kid, I ran the woods, creeks, swamps catching any reptile or critter. caught a baby timber rattler and sold it to another kid> $5 ... thought I was rich!! his dad found it in a gallion jar under the house and made him kill it... then he wanted a r efund!??? Ha

I told him I wasn't Wal Mart ( that was before Walmart)< ! LOL
My nickname in my teens was "Snake'. Guess why. But in Jersey we never saw anything venomous, they are a rarity. My Mother did get unhooked when the heater man came out and couldent get inthe crawlspace. The entrance was a 2-1/2 foot deep well that was perfect for my pets.
holy snappin' a$$hole$.. ya'all can keep that chit!! They are talking about reintroducing rattle snakes to an island at local reservoir – guess where I won’t be going anymore!!
Came across a massive copperhead years ago. I had a Suzuki Quadrunner ATV at the time and had pulled the seat off to work on the carb. My dad decided to clean up so he fired up the skid loader.

I walked over to my bike and was just about to shove my hand under the seat to pick it up when I got that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, you know, the one that says you're about to regret a decision... So instead I grabbed the seat belt the vinyl cover and flipped it over.

Underneath was a massive copperhead, coiled up. I immediately jumped out of the way and scurried across a truck to get away. My dad was on the skid loader and it went after him. Stretched out, it was over 6' long and Violent! It kept striking the bucket on the skid loader, trying to kill it.

My dad tried to pin it with the skid loader bucket, but it got away. The scary thing is, that monster is probably still out there roaming my property...
We are lucky here in Georgia to have two of the best possible snakes you can have as an indigenous species. The King snake and the Eastern Indigo snake. Both of them are immune to and eat every single venomous snake in North America and neither is poisonous. The Eastern indigo snake is protected by local, state and federal law. Both of them get to be about the same size, roughly 10-12 feet long fully grown.
the king snake RRR he is KING! he will eat any snake ( maybe his mate????)... ha

years back I had a car buddy, he was always draggin home some kinda mopar. he called and said he had a real nice 69 runner, roller. cheap!!!! (my kind), so I hook up the traer to make the 4 hr run, I get there before he gets home from work, i'm crawling all under and over and around it. real solid car, i'm ecited. staright but there is an obvious fresh bullet hole in the side of the left rear quarter.

he drives up as I crawl from under it. tells me how he got it home and found a BIG copperhead in the trunk. a big honkin 44 mag made the hole. Ha