Corvette guy arrested for high speed youtube run.



Still plays with cars.
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Cocoa, Fl
On the news today, This guy records his high speed run in Oklahoma and then posts in on youtube. Here's a little tip from Uncle MMG. If your going to do this, don't do it in traffic, don't record your face moron.
[ame=""]YouTube - Corvette Driver Busted By Cops After Posting Video To YouTube[/ame]
The guy at least picked the right place to do it, I live in Oklahoma City and the Turnpike he used was built about 15 years ago and it is pretty much useless, so not a lot of people are on it.
This is total BS and a good lawyer will say where is the radar gun results, poof thrown out. No speedometer reading on this video. Total BS all the way, no reasonable cause whatsoever.
Hey, he had both hands on the wheel, signaled his intentions and was concentrating on his driving: Even at 190 he was a lot safer than 2/3 of the bozos texting, phoning, reading, eating, I-poding, DVD watching, dressing, make-upping, stoned/drunk, sleeping...........:read2:
Hey, he had both hands on the wheel, signaled his intentions and was concentrating on his driving: Even at 190 he was a lot safer than 2/3 of the bozos texting, phoning, reading, eating, I-poding, DVD watching, dressing, make-upping, stoned/drunk, sleeping...........:read2:

For real!!
Hey, he had both hands on the wheel, signaled his intentions and was concentrating on his driving: Even at 190 he was a lot safer than 2/3 of the bozos texting, phoning, reading, eating, I-poding, DVD watching, dressing, make-upping, stoned/drunk, sleeping...........:read2:

I didn't watch the video but I believe it. My primary transport is motorcycle... and my commute for school is 160 miles round trip, work is 180. Every day I go to school or work, someone almost kills me. It's never someone simply speeding... it's always someone on the phone or some BS.

I would be perfectly happy if they got rid of radar guns and used something that detected cell phone use instead. They would probably rake in even more cash going after cell phone talkers/texters than speeders.
Wow, that guy must have manure for brains.
LOL, young, duuuumb and full off cu...... er, testosterone!

I didn't watch the video but I believe it. My primary transport is motorcycle... and my commute for school is 160 miles round trip, work is 180. Every day I go to school or work, someone almost kills me. It's never someone simply speeding... it's always someone on the phone or some BS.

I would be perfectly happy if they got rid of radar guns and used something that detected cell phone use instead. They would probably rake in even more cash going after cell phone talkers/texters than speeders.

I used to ride a lot on this Island. Got tired 2 years ago almost getting killed a few times a day all week long. Nothing like a overfilled Datson wagon with illeagal mexicans laffin and giving you the finger as the turn left on red right infront of you.

Oh! this is also why ol'rumble don't own a gun. The helmet had to do.
I ride a bike quit frequently to work and as pleasure.... I know what yall are saying. lol