Could use a friend right now.



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Have been keeping quiet for some time.My little sister is battling cancer.She has breast cancer,and they have remover 1 breast, but she still has cancer in her,she just started chemo,and she has to have a needle witch i gave her last night,man its hard to see her go through this,next is radiation,So could all you mopar folks pray for her.Sharron is her name.I am, afraid i may loose her.I met a fellow mopar nut just this winter who was great to get to know,who battled cancer and won,not the same cancer but he beat it.I hope the same for my little sister.
Breast cancer is no longer a certain death sentence.

Here's the US survival rates, and the Canadian ones are likely even better:

5-year relative survival rates for breast cancer by stage
  • The 5-year relative survival rate for women with stage 0 or stage I breast cancer is close to 100%.
  • For women with stage II breast cancer, the 5-year relative survival rate is about 93%.
  • The 5-year relative survival rate for stage III breast cancers is about 72%.
Your sister will be okay.
My mother in-law is a two time breast cancer survivor (15 and 9 years ago) and she is still going strong. As the post above says, the odds are good these days your sis will pull through; she is in good hands combined with modern technology.
My mama had stage 4, 25 years ago, and is still around to drive me crazy.

You are in my thoughts. The biggest thing to heal, other than good medicine, is a good mind. Yall stay strong, there is a big bright end to the tunnel if you keep walking forward.
Many friends here for you, Don, prayers for Sharron and your family, as other have said, the outlook is very hopeful.
That sucks Don.
Will be hoping for a good long life for her.
Your sister and your entire family are in my prayers, for strength to battle against her cancer, and for comfort and peace in your hearts knowing that she is in good hands!! This can be beat, with hope, faith, and the support system your family and her caregivers are providing!!
- Sorry to hear about your sis. Even though survival rates are SO much better these days, it's impossible not to realize how dire the situation is. - But never underestimate the power of prayer & a positive attitude. Prayers sent.
Thanks again I feel way better.She says the treatment will last for an year,she is just starting to loose her hair,heart breaking.
Went through this twice with my wife. First time she was only 31. Second time although it was in only one breast we decided that a bilateral mastectomy was the best route to go. That was 24 years ago and she is as strong willed as ever. She complained that she was flatter than me however I reassured her that was so I could holder that much closer. It is serious but by no means a death sentence.