cousin passed away

Sorry to hear about your cousin, my brother lost a stepson recently and he took his Duster to the funeral and all his sons friends signed it.
My prayers are with you.
I'm sorry for your loss. Restoring his car seems like a fitting memorial and a good way to keep all the good memories fresh and to help with the healing process.
Sorry for your loss. I know it is a tuff time.
On Oct 5 2006 my life long friend died from pancreitus. We hunted together, went to Mopar swap meets all over the southeast, hell we were even assigned to the same Fire truck! I could call him at midnight and tell him we were going on a road trip to pick up a Car, He would raise hell, cuss at me, then he would ask what time he needed to be at my house. If there was ever such a thing as a friend soul mate, we were. I can tell you this it has been 1 year 5months and 6 days. There is never a day goes by that he doen't cross my mind. You get use to the loss, but you'll never get over it.
Good luck in dealing with your loss.
Condolences to you,family,friends and a get well to your friend. You can never make sense of a tragic end of such a young life. I've lost friends 30 years ago and I still remember them as if it was yesterday. Remember the good times.
very sorry to hear the news my friend.
Just try to remember the good times...
we never know when we're going to go.
Life is so very fragile.
how did i miss this? sorry to hear about your cousin. he was definitely too young to pass. he hit a tree? in the dart or another car? when i moved here to california, i met 2 great people that became my best friends at the time. they are both dead now. i remember only the good times, even though there were some bad.

keep your head up high and take it slowly. time will heal all wounds, but your memories of you 2 together will be there forever.
Condolences from my family to yours.... Loosing someone that young is soooo hard to grasp. Unfortunately, I too know what it's like after loosing a close friend at an early age.

Geez...What's with this sudden rash of bad luck amongst us????
So sorry to hear about your cousin -- I lost one last year and he was only 36.. How is your buddy doing ?

Losing a close friend or relative is hell. Like others said, just try to hold onto the good memories. I lost a good friend close to 20 years ago & I can't tell you how many times he has popped up in one of my dreams, but it's always been a good dream. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about the loss of someone so close and so young. Keep us up on the restoration of his car, I know you'll do a great job worthy of his memory.
he hit a tree? in the dart or another car?

thankfully he was not driving his dart when the accident took place, he had just yanked out the 318 and was halfway done with building a mild 360 that im going to finish up. His dart is the only thing we have left of him. At the time of the accdient he was driving his other car, a 93 buick lasabre, that is not even recognizable anymore. I would like to post some pictures when i get them of his car to show some of the younger members that this is reality and i no longer feel that im bulletproof the way i did a week before
How is your buddy doing ?

my other buddy is still alive but its not looking good. He has several broken bones including collar bone, shoulderblade ect...., alot of his main organs are bruised except for his heart and brain, his liver is not working, and his kidneys are not working, im not sure but i hope i dont lose this buddy too
Wow, just saw all this, so sorry to see you lost your cousin, my heart goes out to you and your family, a terrible time for your aunt and uncle, be strong for them. Hope your buddy pulls through okay.Keep everyone posted on his condition. Take care.
Very sorry for your loss.... Thoughts and prayers to you and everyone involved in this tragedy..... God will take care of you all.....
Sorry to hear about yur loos man just hang in there!come talk to us so we can help u through this hard time!
My math may be a little off, but was he graduating from high school this spring?
The reason I ask is because we lost a fellow that was in my son’s graduating class.
(Asleep at the wheel on the way home from a junior senior.)
I taught the young man in Sunday school class.
My sister made the comment then that “every class seems to lose one right before graduation”.
Seems truer as the years go by.

No parent should have to bury a child.
My mother has lost two.
No words will help, I guess.
But our thoughts are with your family.
Sorry for the loss, way to young, I guess one never knows. Our prays will go out to you and his family, as well as your friend. I am in wis. if there is any powder coating I can do for the swinger let me know.
Sorry for your lose! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I know how it is to lose a young family member. A few years ago I lost
a nephew that was in his 20s in a very tragic way.
Remember he well always be with you in your heart and in your thoughts, and
every time you see something or do something to remind you of him. You will be glad that you were able to share that time with him even if it was so short.
God bless you and both of your families.

Tom and Mary
my cousins buick he wrecked





Wow. All I can say is we all seem to take life for granted....It can be taken away from us in a blink of an eye.
My heart goes out to you and your families...........