Covid 19 / Coronavirus

I can't wait to experience the "just super painful" side effects from Bill Gates' vaccine. Why are we supposed to trust the medical knowledge of a hack computer software designer again?

Today I started a new job at a large hospital. I'll be managing environmental services on nights. That's a fancy name for cleaning :D.

This being my first day, I got the grand tour of the hospital. I was in every department, including the Covid "unit", which is a "temporary type building that holds 20 separate rooms with one bed in each room. Within the main hospital, "suspected" cases of Covid are kept in negative pressure rooms.

I can tell you this, hospital staff look at Covid as just another illness. They are not walking around thinking about, or talking about, or worrying about Covid all day. They are just doing what they do, providing medical care to the people who need it.

The media is just keeping the hysteria going.
Thank you for the inside report. We have seen far fewer deaths from covid than the regular flu here in Michigan. Certainly not enough to shut down the economy and regulate everyone activities. To be continued...
Thank you for the inside report. We have seen far fewer deaths from covid than the regular flu here in Michigan. Certainly not enough to shut down the economy and regulate everyone activities. To be continued...

I didn't know what to expect. And, I'll admit, I was a little concerned about spending all day working in a hospital around The Covid. But thankfully it's going to be okay!!

I'm still waiting to see what happens to The Covid on November 4th!!! be continued...
Wash your hand and don't touch your face. Done deal. The election is another thing.
Well the election is not far off! Soon this”plandemic” will have ran its course
As of two weeks ago....deaths in ages 0-19....0%.

Ages 20 to 50...0.025% of those tested positive.

Worse in the elderly like me..y buddy manages a assisted living center. They brought sick patients into the facility...had 23 deaths before the dumb asses figured out that was not the thing to do.
As I learned my way around the hospital, I've been in the two areas used for Covid patients. One is for the more critical and all but one looked to be elderly. Currently there are 26 Covid patients with 3 on ventilators. Many folks come into the ER, are diagnosed with Covid, and if healthy are sent home and told to quarantine.

By the way, my department is responsible for treating Covid rooms with TRU-D (Trudy, lol) after patients leave the room. It's an ultraviolet light system that kills all pathogens.

Remember when the mainstream media gave Trump a hard time after he made comments about killing the virus this way? Douchebags.

Here's Trudy. Room has to be vacant while in use. It takes about an hour.