Coyote Jack, my moose hunt is done too


Pine Tree Mopar

Mopar Maine-iac
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
Hi Jack, Congrats to you and your hunting party on a successful season. I got a nice bull on the 2nd day of my hunt. 801 lbs, 22 points, and a 54" spread. :cheers: It was a nice change pace from the past 2 years, even though I almost got skewered in the process. Tim


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Great looking moose Tim!!!! Congrat's!! Where abouts were you hunting? You say you almost got skewered, he didn't charge you did he? What rifle were you using? 801 lbs, is that before or after the skin was taken off?

I have been trying for a permit for 32 years, and finally got drawn. I was hunting about 3 miles from my camp in northern Maine, between Caribou, and Fort Kent. About 6AM I was heading into the area I was going to hunt, and spotted him about a 150 yards down in a chopping, and got him with my trusty 30:06. It dressed out at 801 lbs.

Yes Jack, He did charge me.

I shot him and he dropped like a rock. After a few minutes I walked within about 30 yards to check him out, and saw that he was not moving and barely breathing. I was there for about 5 minutes and accidently snapped a branch with my foot. Up he come. He shook his head, looked at me, and charged. He took 4-5 running steps toward me before I shot again, he shook his head and took another step at me before turning and dropping less than 25 feet away. The moose was facing me the 1st shot and I took out his right lung. The 2nd shot got his other lung and heart.


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It sounds like the moose was made by Timex watch company. Great looking score for sure!
Great story Tim. I wish I could have been there to see that taking place. Have you cleaned out your shorts yet? LOL

Wow!! a giant that will fill a big freezer and a nice rack :glasses7:
When I was about 25 a friend and I was in our tree stands and about 7 does in our sites about 40 yards away, Randle had his shot gun pulled up ( I could not see what he was aiming at) and pointing and I was watching, he made a shot and the 9 point white tail buck, the buck ran strait toward me and feel in a pile of brush, Randle climbed down out of his tree stand and walked toward me and the deer, He got about 30 yards from him and the buck jumped up and was running strait to him :blob: Randle pulled his shot gun back up and before he could get a shot off the buck went to his nee's Scarred him to to death!! he was 18 and his first deer.
We will never forget that evening :coffee2: I could not imagine what it feels like having a 1.000 lb moose charging me ! Happy you finely got your tag and filled it well :cheers:
I actually was very calm. When he 1st stood up, I put the scope on him in case he decided to run to the woods. After I shot, I realized that my back was up against a root of a blowdown. I had nowhere to go. That's when I had that "pucker moment".

My brother was watching from the truck, and later said "I wish I had a video camera, that was awsome". I thought to myself "maybe from your perspective".
Sounds like alot of fun.Yesterday after work I went and shot my 54cal. in getting ready for next weeks early muzzle loader season.Just reading stories like this gets me even more excited.