CRS Syndrome

**** should not be remembered. **** should be flushed!
CRS should be: Common feeling of Relief after taking a ****
Well, you get to a point where CRS by itself is ot a big deal.

When you put it together with CSS and CHS that it begins to be a real problem. It surely does beat the hell out of the alternative for sure though!
I have early onset CRS. Seems to have much to do with verbal "to do" lists and lost notes given to me by others.
For those of you that don’t know Can’t Recall ****. I would have it also if I wasn’t so anal about writing everything down.
I have it. -- It occupies some of My time, looking for things.
:mob:Thought I had crs ...along with css...but I just forget things and have bad eyes
:eek:What's CRS?..........Hang on........:wtf:I know I know this...........Wait.......Dammit:(...........I'll remember what it is in about ten minutes:BangHead:.............

Oh yeah:), Can't Remember ****!:D
I am hating it right now, last night I went to be a little early, and ended up taking 2 doses of medicine because I couldn't remember if I took it, at least I am pretty sure that's what happened, because this morning I feel really strange. Guess it's time to use a pill organizer, I have one but I forgot where I put it.
My doc is OLD and he calls it DRS,... don't remember **** disease.....His med book was published before I was born, somewhere in the 30's
The advantage of not remembering stuff is that every day is like a whole new adventure!
To go along with my CRS I also have ADS, ( always dropping sh-- I mean stuff!) . In my shop I think I must drop at least ten small pieces or tools a day. Dang.
Ps. - I don't think either is going to get better in the future.
To go along with my CRS I also have ADS, ( always dropping sh-- I mean stuff!) . In my shop I think I must drop at least ten small pieces or tools a day. Dang.
Ps. - I don't think either is going to get better in the future.
same here, I don`t have any fingerprints anymore. Wore off.
Yep.I just came in after stripping a bolt in a brand new altinator.@**&^#!!/^$$&