Customer bought an eBay Range Rover sight unseen

I would be very reluctant to buy a car privately sight unseen, with that being said I bought a 67 Mustang sight unseen from a reputable car dealership in the States and had it shipped back to Canada. Based on the 50 full size photos, talking with the guy on the phone and going by his 100% feedback rating on Ebay from selling 600 muscle cars I felt confident to go ahead with the transaction. When the car arrived at my house, it was exactly as he represented it, turn key matching numbers show car.
Hey now, Isuzu trucks are some of the best import trucks in the world!

Their 90's car line, though, wasn't that great...

Back to the original point, though.... Guy's got more money than brains. Let's just hope he learned a lesson... At least he picked the best mechanic for the job, though.... If anyone can get that piece of **** running right, it's an A-body-owning mechanic. ;)

- CK

I like Isuzu cars and trucks, at least before they turned into re-badged late-model Chevrolets. They are a world-class diesel engine manufacturer.

And's s then z. Not s and s or z and z.

Around here you won't see a Land Rover that actually runs unless it's one of the new ones they are foisting off on people. A guy at one of my work locations has one and it hasn't moved under it's own power since last summer.

Guy's pretty close-lipped about what went wrong with it but based on the fact that he's driven his '49 Chevy truck all winter without heat or wipers means it must be serious.