damn dog

I am sure yall know what I am going through but Buddy knows when he is doing something wrong.. he has three different chew toys and he favorers the first one I gave him when he came home, A new grease rag with two knots in it.
a strong voice and Bad Boy and he sits under the coffee table for maybe a minute and then come to me for some attention, he is just a pup and we are doing good together. He pulled a shoe out of my closet and a rolled up news paper was the ticket for me and so far he has just walked by my closet and looks at my shoes and keeps walking by.
How old is your dog inkjunkie ? and it sounds like it is a Boy.
I put Buddy in his kennel when we leave the house, I wonder if it's because of the time of year, or does he do this year around ?
Is there a female around in heat ?
Buddy wakes up about 5am and I know I have to get up and open the door for him. I may have to look at a doggy door myself 8)
But my cottage is small and I will have a outside kennel for him as soon as I can get one up on the hill. Mainly to keep other dog's away from him
Blue is 7 years old and is a male. Now that the backyard is no longer an ice skateing rink his issues have subsided. On the outside of our house we have a small ramp leading to the doggy door, we built it for Max, the cattle dog we had to put to sleep a while back. Anyway, the ramp was iced over, i think that is what was causing the door issue. This is the door we have http://www.moorepet-petdoors.com/Solo-Fully-Automatic-Opening-Pet-Door-s/83.htm every now and then one of the Coonhounds will lose there "key" to get in and stand by the door and protest about being stuck.
I am glad to here that things are getting better bud :cheers:
the doors are cool =P~ little pricey :read2: I would have to have the 15'' tall one 8) But so far Buddy has the door thing going good when I am here at home.

Macy turns TREE!!! 003.jpg
LOL@this thread.

I came home a couple months ago to the lower half of my bathroom door missing, a pile of crap in the shower, and splinters all over the hallway.
The turd eating can be stopped by going to the vet and get an additive that goes in the dog food that makes the **** taste awful for the dog

You need an additive to make **** taste awful :shock:
Merlin has bent his crate to the point of it being trash, chewed a couple remotes, and pee's on the TV when he feels I've been gone too long. He also wasn't potty trained when I adopted him. He's come miles in the past year or so and I really couldn't have asked for a better more social or loyal companion.

Maxi eats the mail from the mail slot (a small trash can under the slot solved that problem), has gotten into the garbage when I didn't put it up and they both have have eaten holes in the outdoor picket/privacy fence.

Other than that, they're great dogs, lol! Swapping the remote for a nylabone solved the chewing thing but putting up the garbage and the mail slot can are still mandatory. I could solve the mail thing if I was around 24/7 and conditioned her with a treat everytime the mail came. That can't happen now that I'm employed though. I think a bacon packet in the garbage is just too damn tempting for any dog. A garbage can with flip top might work though.

Like guitar said, positive reinforcement works wonders but takes some patience too.


"damn dog"

You've named your dog the same thing I've named my wife's dog. I hate that damn dog.

LMAO! Too funny, you sound just like me... The damn dog I am referring to (a Lab mix) finally died (no, I didn't kill it but I dam sure wanted to) We now have a boxer, best dog we have ever had.
Here is the 2 year old pit bull of mine that thought I was dropping the tailgate on a pick-up I guess when I shut the hood on the dart after changing a set of points out... LOL Atleast it was before any high dollar paint work... I still freaked out a little, needless to say there will be no jumping on hoods from her now I am pretty sure she got the message.

As part of my business, I train dogs for a living. Much of what I've read here is true, especially regarding positive reinforcement. If punishment is necessary, I recommend negative punishment (take something the dog likes away) versus positive punishment (yelling, hitting, etc.).

As an example, my avatar shows one of my dogs sitting in the doorway of my store. I leave the door open all day long. Both my dogs know they aren't allowed to step foot on the sidewalk without a leash on. They can hang out on the doorstep all day and I never have to worry they'll go out. I've had people walk by with dogs that bark and snap at mine, and even had squirrels that used to sit next to the tree in front of the store, not 10 feet away from the door. My dogs won't go out. How did I train them? When I first opened the store, if they stepped outside, I would go get them and leash them behind the counter for 1/2 hr., taking away their ability to see the people who came in, or visit with their dogs. (negative punishment) It only took 5-6 "timeouts" for each dog to understand that the sidewalk was out of bounds.

Regarding the dog door issue, sounds like you have it under control. Most dog doors come with a cover, so if going in and out in the middle of the night becomes an issue, put the cover on for a week.