damn dog



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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one of our coonhounds is driving me over the edge. when we lived in az we had a normal flap style doggie door. he went in and out of it with very little drama. occasionaly he would get half way out and then either stand there wimpering or back out of the door, but it was once in a while. we now have a motorized door for them, slides up and down in its own frame. when we first moved up here it took him a day to figure it out, but all was good. a year later however is a different story. he stands by it, triggering it to open. he wont move. door closes, starts pawing at it. after 20 seconds it opens again, still wont go. now he starts whining. door goes up again, after he paws at it, still wont go. more crying. sometimes this goes on for 4 or 5 minutes before he goes outside. once he gets out he is fine. the whole time he is doing this cold air is coming in. i have some serious sleep issues to begin with, but when he does this at 2, 3 and then 4 in the morning it is enough to make me want to get the shot gun out. every now and then my wife will throw something at him, sometimes he takes off out the door, usually, just walks away crying. this has become the norm now. strange thing is he has no issues cominig back in the house......can dogs have ocd????
My one year old pit has chewed up a baby pic, then 2 chrismas stockings/ i told her she is going to be a craigs list dog next time she crews something. ya like thats not going to happen/ she chews her dog house. als


"damn dog"

You've named your dog the same thing I've named my wife's dog. I hate that damn dog.
My cat ,Bob keeps me up most nights.He makes a point of parading around the bed and whining,squalking ,bitching,whatever it is.If it wasn't -25 outside i would throw his *** outside.i slept in the basement for 5 nights a couple of weeks ago cause i just couldn't take him anymore.At this time nothing has changed.I hear ya ink.Short of killin the little b%$stard,I'm at a loss.Did i tell you that he's her little baby and can do no wrong? Geeeeez!
my dog stays outside and bugs the life out of me. She barks all night, jumps on everyone, and chews everything including the wiring on my truck and trailers. shes a 2 year old puppy that just won't grow up.
It's really not the dogs fault, he doesn't know any better. Dogs, like people are creatures of habit, they thrive when they are on a schedule. I don't have a doggy door, I wouldn't allow my dog to come and go as it pleases, they need a schedule. I feed my dog the same time every day and she goes out the same times every day so unless she is sick there is no need for her to go out at all hours of the night.

Train your dog and you'll both be a lot happier.
the thing that kills us is all in all he is a good dog, except for this. oh, and the turd eating.....
the thing that kills us is all in all he is a good dog, except for this. oh, and the turd eating.....[/QUOTE]

I don't think that's so strange.Nice to see he cleans up after himself,lol. Ok,that probably wasn't that funny,sorry.8)
My cat ,Bob keeps me up most nights.He makes a point of parading around the bed and whining,squalking ,bitching,whatever it is.If it wasn't -25 outside i would throw his *** outside.i slept in the basement for 5 nights a couple of weeks ago cause i just couldn't take him anymore.At this time nothing has changed.I hear ya ink.Short of killin the little b%$stard,I'm at a loss.Did i tell you that he's her little baby and can do no wrong? Geeeeez!

my mom had that problem with one of her cats, Sheba. She'd keep my parents up all night. The vet suggested they lock Sheba in her cat carrier overnight in the basement. The vet said she'll get the message after a few nights of this. The vet was right it worked for about 6 months. Then they did the carrier/basement thing again, and it worked again. Cats gotta know who's boss.

It's really not the dogs fault, he doesn't know any better. Dogs, like people are creatures of habit, they thrive when they are on a schedule. I don't have a doggy door, I wouldn't allow my dog to come and go as it pleases, they need a schedule. I feed my dog the same time every day and she goes out the same times every day so unless she is sick there is no need for her to go out at all hours of the night.

Train your dog and you'll both be a lot happier.
i know that you could not be more right. i was told by a few people that training is not necessarily about training the dog, but more it's owners and then the dog....
my dog stays outside and bugs the life out of me. She barks all night, jumps on everyone, and chews everything including the wiring on my truck and trailers. shes a 2 year old puppy that just won't grow up.

Your dog needs attention as well as training. Dogs are social creatures and need the interaction of their families (their pack). I've never understood why someone would get a dog and then leave it outside 24/7. If you have more than two or three dogs you may get away with this as they keep each other company but there will probably still be behaviour issues.

Don't think me harsh on you guys, I'm not judging just making an observation. I am no expert but my dog does not need a leash or a fence, she is totally under voice control, does not get into the garbage or chew on anything other than her toys or bones. She has never gone to the bathroom in the house since after the first day I brought her home except for two times when she was sick and I was not home.

I have a way with dogs and animals, even ill temperd ones, my girlfriend calls me the dog whisperer because all dogs just seem to love me right away.
my mom had that problem with one of her cats, Sheba. She'd keep my parents up all night. The vet suggested they lock Sheba in her cat carrier overnight in the basement. The vet said she'll get the message after a few nights of this. The vet was right it worked for about 6 months. Then they did the carrier/basement thing again, and it worked again. Cats gotta know who's boss.


We don't have a cat carrier.I'm all for it but my wife would never go for it.I will ask her though.I think your right,they do need to know who's boss. I was thinking of asking Kramer and Newman to do a hit on him.8) Thx Wylde.
the thing that kills us is all in all he is a good dog, except for this. oh, and the turd eating.....

The turd eating can be stopped by going to the vet and get an additive that goes in the dog food that makes the **** taste awful for the dog. It also helps to pick up the turds immediately after they drop them.

Guitar is also correct when it comes to doggey doors. The the most important thing to remember is that you are the alpha dog in the pack. You control when he goes out and when he comes in also when he is feed. My dogs know that they go out the first thing in the morning and just before bed at night, during the day I make them wait at the door till I'm ready. I never leave food in my dogs dish, he gets fed the same time in the morning and the same time at night, dogs absolutely love routine.

Good Luck
The turd eating can be stopped by going to the vet and get an additive that goes in the dog food that makes the **** taste awful for the dog. It also helps to pick up the turds immediately after they drop them.

Guitar is also correct when it comes to doggey doors. The the most important thing to remember is that you are the alpha dog in the pack. You control when he goes out and when he comes in also when he is feed. My dogs know that they go out the first thing in the morning and just before bed at night, during the day I make them wait at the door till I'm ready. I never leave food in my dogs dish, he gets fed the same time in the morning and the same time at night, dogs absolutely love routine.

Good Luck
tried the stuff from the vet, it did not work, at least not for him. could not agree more, if the turds were not there he would not eat them. but then again he would probably do what his brother does, hunt and kill gophers. the doggy door was a necessary evil from our employment days, the post office jobs we had meant we were often out of the house for 14 hours a day. i know, don't have dogs if you are gone that much, but they kept our home from getting broken into several times.
Well hell try this then, cover a couple of the fresh turds in black or keyan pepper, I use this to get my puppy to stop licking them and it worked, other than that I'm out of ideas. As far as catching and packing home gophers it's kind of like a self serve. LOL.
Well hell try this then, cover a couple of the fresh turds in black or keyan pepper, I use this to get my puppy to stop licking them and it worked, other than that I'm out of ideas. As far as catching and packing home gophers it's kind of like a self serve. LOL.
tried the pepper trick, did not phase him....
one of there master pieces from years ago, there was a similar pile in 2 other rooms.....this was around the same time frame when they managed to carry a case of soda out the doggy door and open all of the cans. i was working on a truck project. i was making cables. i needed to measure for a cable and when i got back in the garage the spool of cable was missing. our queensland heeler decided the 75 feet of cable needed to be in the house. caught the last 10 feet of it before she got it in the house. she stuck her head out into the garage, almost like she was wondering what the cable got hooked on...

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There's ways to fix this guys but don't expect overnight success with most dogs. Most dogs take weeks to train, a few breeds do not but there are always exceptions.

If a dog chews up something they shouldn't you need to be forceful and tell them no, bad dog, ignore them for awhile then give them an alternative for them to chew on, when they do chew on it praise them for being good.

I've never been able to train a dog with punishment, they just don't put the two actions together, you get much better results by praising them when they are good, they soon learn it's good to be a good dog because otherwise you ignore them.
There's ways to fix this guys but don't expect overnight success with most dogs. Most dogs take weeks to train, a few breeds do not but there are always exceptions.

If a dog chews up something they shouldn't you need to be forceful and tell them no, bad dog, ignore them for awhile then give them an alternative for them to chew on, when they do chew on it praise them for being good.

I've never been able to train a dog with punishment, they just don't put the two actions together, you get much better results by praising them when they are good, they soon learn it's good to be a good dog because otherwise you ignore them.

this is what ours respond to, they don't seem to fathom what punishment is..... i have noticed that when we pull up to the house and they remain silent it usually means we are in for a bit of a mess when we get home. when they are barking and carrying on, things are usually fine. but the times we walk in and they have shredded something, all my wife has to do is look at the one coonhound and he drops his tail and goes into his box for an hour or so.
...I typed in "Heater Cable" & it got me to this thread? What da Heyll, I'll chime in: Damn Dawg!

I agree: Get some Pos-Neg Re-inforcement in your Damn Dawg & he/it will be
better. However, I don't agree w/ letting the Dawg indoors. I'd set up a nice little den or something for it - nice, dry & warm, but that Damn Dawg ain't coming inside my house.

Take the Damn Dawg to PetSmart or someplace like that - they used to have training classes for cheap. Me & my ex-girlfiend took a Greyhound there & it was great...I miss that Damn Dawg (the Greyhound).
I am sure yall know what I am going through but Buddy knows when he is doing something wrong.. he has three different chew toys and he favorers the first one I gave him when he came home, A new grease rag with two knots in it.
a strong voice and Bad Boy and he sits under the coffee table for maybe a minute and then come to me for some attention, he is just a pup and we are doing good together. He pulled a shoe out of my closet and a rolled up news paper was the ticket for me and so far he has just walked by my closet and looks at my shoes and keeps walking by.
How old is your dog inkjunkie ? and it sounds like it is a Boy.
I put Buddy in his kennel when we leave the house, I wonder if it's because of the time of year, or does he do this year around ?
Is there a female around in heat ?
Buddy wakes up about 5am and I know I have to get up and open the door for him. I may have to look at a doggy door myself 8)
But my cottage is small and I will have a outside kennel for him as soon as I can get one up on the hill. Mainly to keep other dog's away from him