Damn Racoons

We had a few as pets, the 1st one was the best. Anyone could play with it. Could let it out and it would do what it needed and come back home.

Till one night got hit by a car.

The last one was a good pet , but if it didn't want to be played with it wasn't much fun.

One night it went down the neighbors chimney and went thruout the house and got in bed with the owner. The guy woke up, scared the crap out of him and he took a broom to her. What a mess she made, black soot everywhere. my sister had to go down and get her out of the garage of their house.

They are very destructive creatures, great fighters when cornered and have been told good to eat from a guy I work with. He was dating a girl and she came over for dinner. She was saying how good the chicken was and ask for more. His dad said it wasn't chicken it was racoon, that was their last date. LOL