Daughter's 10 week old Dachshund puppy gets her first pup cup



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Topeka, KS
My wife and I have always had miniature Dachshunds my oldest daughter has carried on with that tradition. She got a new Dachshund puppy a few weeks ago and named her Jemmy. She drove through a Starbucks a few days ago with Jemmy, and the lady at the window asked if the puppy would like a pup cup of whipped cream. Jemmy liked it.

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Our pup Bailey goes absolutely bonkers when we pull into Starbucks!
Dang....they get hooked early these days. Jemmy's a half a puppy tall and a puppy and a half long.....and already a Starbucks addict! She's a sweet looking pup!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
That puppy is a cutie.

I get a Puppuccino for my cats, they love it.
One happy pup!
The two dogs we had when I was a kid could hear the hiss of a whipped cream can from a mile away! Well maybe not that far, but they loved that stuff! They didn't care if it got all over their faces. They would shake if you didn't shoot it to them quick!