Dealing with Tiger Direct?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
I'm hoping THIS ordeal is over

A bit ago, I ordered a system from them. There "is supposed" to be a sizeable rebate. Now, I tend to treat rebates as a contract. The seller agreed, they are not "optional". However, the flaming hoops you have to crash through in order to actually OBTAIN the rebates seems to be impossible. You have to............

1....Perform the Steve Martin field sobriety test


2....Apply for honorary part time citizenship in Cuba. Since this actually involves GOING to Cuba and bribing officials down there, this is a bit difficult

3...Pass the requirements for the next NASA manned probe. The requrements are not really all that difficult..........if i was still 30 years old. Now that I'm 67, this is not that easy. Plus, NASA does not tell you that "you might not come back."

So I finally got 20 bucks out of Tiger. Out of 60. In a gift card. Which is a pita. An American Express card which few places around here accept------that I frequent, anyhow.

So after 3 or 4 meaningless phone calls to "rebate tech" I called Tiger, and got assurance it would be taken care of


Three more emails. And one return telling me it's being taken care of. NADA

So I wrote one more email. And got a return. They wanted to send me a "gift" of 20 more bucks. No, I said, it was more like FORTY more, and THAT does not cover my WAGES lost for all the time it's taken!!!!

SO FINALLY they have now decided to just give me a 40 dollar gift card. Well, we'll see

Your Gift Card

, You've got a Gift Card!

Here's your Gift Card, redeemable at online


I WILL NOT be doing any more business with Tiger Direct
I'm hoping THIS ordeal is over........

I WILL NOT be doing any more business with Tiger Direct

Been there, done that, along with many others I presume.
You certainly must have given them a PITA in return, lol.=D>=D>=D>=D>
I'm sure they were betting on you to just say F-it and move on. Pretty fricken sad you have the spend "your" money at their store.:wack:
Unless it's an "instant", I stay as far away from that rebate BS as I can. IMO, just a scam to get you to purchase stuff at a higher price anyway. If you don't follow the rebate instruction to the T, your screwed out of it. And even when/if you do get that rebate card ya' better use it quick or they charge you for (steal) "your" money.
That's too bad. I have used Fry's, NewEgg, and Tiger Direct. But not a lot, and never anything with a rebate. But I see your point. Its all about customer service! I once had a basic optic drive from Sony. Had trouble with it and Sony was very poor in support. Solution? Avoid the BS and no longer buy their stuff. If its that much a PITA over something simple, what will it be like over more complex items? Don't blame you, I would do the same thing cause they ain't the only game in town.