Death of an Icon

The Trix rabbit tried to make it from Denver but found himself in a self defense situation on the way to airport on East Colfax. He was surrounded by neer do wells who tried to relieve him of his cereal. He shouted "Trix are for kids MFr's!!!" and pulled his piece. Thank goodness he had his CCW.

still laughing :toothy10:
The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes LMAO Treva too.:cheers:

maybe I can think of something tomorrow :sleepy4:
Jack O'Lantern was crushed when he heard the news, and got smashed right after the services. Started singing some song about a candle in the wind or some such. I also heard that Paddy O'Furniture was feeling a little crumby untill Pop Tart showed up with his wife, Mom Tart. She really leavened up the party and all the guys got a big rise out of that.
Rise In Peace P. Doughboy, and put in a good word with your leavenly father for me when you get there.
Is it true that when the obituary was published the family e-mailed the notice to all their friends? Most didn't open it as they thought it was Spam...
The Trix rabbit tried to make it from Denver but found himself in a self defense situation on the way to airport on East Colfax. He was surrounded by neer do wells who tried to relieve him of his cereal. He shouted "Trix are for kids MFr's!!!" and pulled his piece. Thank goodness he had his CCW.
The Trix rabbit is a cereal killer after all.
I'll bet the next ones to snap,crackle, and pop someone off is the infamous "Rice Crispies" gang.
"Keep the milk away from me, i'll snap, and then they'll be putting you in a box and see how you like it m'f***er!"
Food for thought.