Definition of a Veteran!! Thank you all!!!



Thanks Hemiroid!!!!
Mar 14, 2009
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Triangle, V.A.
Found this on Facebook and I thought it summed things up. Want to thank all veterans for their sacrifice and selfless service to the freedoms and way of life we all love and enjoy daily. Don't want to forget my friends to the north and all over, if you have voluntarily or have been given no choice(draft) but to fight for your country and you did it proudly thank you.


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Thanks for the post and i and my son are both veteran me of the first war with Iraq ans my son of the second War with Iraq.And i thank you for your post.
Thanks again,wish more people saw it that way.


They will Moe, it's going to my face book page now
Thank you dusted72 for all you and all the Veteran's have dun
and doing today, I will never take this for granted..
My middle son is a veteran of the 2nd Iraq war,I wish he had internet so I could send this to him.
If more people thought that way years back, there wouldn't have been near the problems for some of the VETS returning from the Souteast Asian conflict (Police action). I'm still somewhat bitter as to how some of my brethren and I were treated when we returned.

Bill S.
If more people thought that way years back, there wouldn't have been near the problems for some of the VETS returning from the Souteast Asian conflict (Police action). I'm still somewhat bitter as to how some of my brethren and I were treated when we returned.

Bill S.

That is so True Bill I remembered how Vets were treated and it was shameful to say the least. I would like to Thank you and say Welcome Home after all these years. My family has a great military tradition for as long as I can remember. I was about 11 years old when I seen all this happen on tv.
If more people thought that way years back, there wouldn't have been near the problems for some of the VETS returning from the Souteast Asian conflict (Police action). I'm still somewhat bitter as to how some of my brethren and I were treated when we returned.

Bill S.

I know how you were treated back then. I wasn't around then but let ME say thank you for what you did. If not for you and your brothers our lives would be different. I feel our veterans should be taken care long before anybody else in society, a veteran should never have to beg on the street for food.
I think it`s disgraceful how veterans are treated , and I personally know from my own experiences. I think some of these politicians need to be sent there with a camouflage speedo and a cork gun and see what they think. Thank God for the families, and the organizations that do support our troupes. Take care Dusted 72 come home safe from a job well done!!!!!!!

rvn `65/66
My deepest personal thanks also goes out to all veterans past present and future. Your service is much appreciated!! I special thank you to the families of those veterans as well. To be or support an armed forces member is a selfless act and you all deserve our respect and support!!!
Thank you. My father was in the 2nd infantry division on D day, Omaha beach, then was involved in the battle of the bulge, was part of Gen Patton's group at the end of the war. He is 94, and we recently had to move him from the farm where he was living alone for the last 6 years, and put him in an assisted living fascility in Milton, Fl. He is to be a guest of honor at the Veterns day parade in Pensicola next month. Although my brother served in Korea, myself in Viet Nam, and my son in Desert storm, I can't imagine the hardships and sacrifices that were made by our WW2 vets. I salute you!
I served for 8 years and i am proud to have served and i thank those who have served before me and the ones who were after and currently serving ya'll are heros in every sence of the word. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Please stay safe and come home to enjoy the freedoms you are protecting.
This was first posted a couple of years ago. I saw the "Definition of a Veteran" again today on another site and thought, as a veteran, this needs a bump to bring it in front of everyone again as a reminder.
Those words are so true. My son in law has done three tours in Afgan and we are so proud to call him our son. God bless all veterans for their service. Next time you see a soldier in uniform, walk up and shake their hand and thank them for your freedom.
This was first posted a couple of years ago. I saw the "Definition of a Veteran" again today on another site and thought, as a veteran, this needs a bump to bring it in front of everyone again as a reminder.

And speaking of vets, has anyone heard from Corey lately?
Thank you for posting that. I did two deployments to Iraq, My brother has been deployed 4 times two times to Iraq and two times to Afganistan. My wife is also a veteran deployed once to Iraq. My uncle was part of the 101st Airborne Dev. in the battle of Hamburger Hill.