Deviant art huh?

Back in high school I new a guy that had a 68 cornet with a Satilite front clip on it. All painted to match. Called it a plymodge
Back in high school I new a guy that had a 68 cornet with a Satilite front clip on it. All painted to match. Called it a plymodge
There is a guy lives not far from me who collects junk and never does anything with it he has probably 50 classic cars they all are just setting and rusting mostly GM stuff but he has a 69 roadrunner and then bought a 68 or 69 gtx and just swapped all the parts off of them. And left them setting there. The brush and weeds have took them over. Now cant even see them anymore. He has 3 matching gtos setting out front along with a handful of 67-69 cameros. Rumor has it he has a yenko camero tucked away in his garage. It's sad to see all them cars rotting
There is a guy lives not far from me who collects junk and never does anything with it he has probably 50 classic cars they all are just setting and rusting mostly GM stuff but he has a 69 roadrunner and then bought a 68 or 69 gtx and just swapped all the parts off of them. And left them setting there. The brush and weeds have took them over. Now cant even see them anymore. He has 3 matching gtos setting out front along with a handful of 67-69 cameros. Rumor has it he has a yenko camero tucked away in his garage. It's sad to see all them cars rotting

When I live up in MO. my buddy down the road had a bunch of chevy trucks in his yard. About the time Chevy 's truck TV commercial claimed "90% of all chevy trucks are still on the road". I would give him **** that he had the other 10%.
When I live up in MO. my buddy down the road had a bunch of chevy trucks in his yard. About the time Chevy 's truck TV commercial claimed "90% of all chevy trucks are still on the road". I would give him **** that he had the other 10%.
Haha that's a good one.
Are there any more interchangeable parts like that from 69 to later cars.
It's also kinda weird that they used them on the darts and not the dusters and valiants. Seems like Plymouth would have used them on their on stuff. Idk maybe I'm way off. I'm just assuming.
Sorry to hijack your thread with this trailbeast

No problem, and I personally don't know about other parts that change over besides the obvious stuff like drivetrain.
I wonder if in 73 when they designed the Dart they was like hey let's use all these leftover Barracuda hoods got laying around. The Barracuda changed from A to E-ptouii ( there fixed it) in 70 and pretty abruptly. I bet they had all kind of parts and tooling left over.
The Barracuda was discontinued in 69, and the name-tag got recycled onto a big, empty, hollow, personality-less tin can that suddenly altho slower than the 69, got everybody excited. Yeah me too, they were nice looking......... But they stole the name............ lol.
The Barracuda was discontinued in 69, and the name-tag got recycled onto a big, empty, hollow, personality-less tin can that suddenly altho slower than the 69, got everybody excited. Yeah me too, they were nice looking......... But they stole the name............ lol.
Lol I personally like the e bodys as much as i love a bodys of all kinds valiants darts scamps dusters demons barracudas etc. A bodies have a special place in my heart because they are what got me started in mopars. But 70-74 barracuda will always be my favorite classic car. I had a 72 and had to sell it. I will probably never have the money to get another one seeing the prices of them now!! It's ok tho. I do want a 67-69 notch back to satisfy my cuda desires!
I only ever liked the looks of the 1970AARs, and only until I sat in one and klunked the door closed; that instantly cured my foolish desire.
That was Spring of 1970. I took my money and bought a 70 Swinger 340/4-speed/3.55s instead. And drove the berries off it until I sold it in 76. All used up. Second engine, second trans, third clutch, second rear end,second driveshaft and 7 sets of rear tires. I was 23 in that summer of 76. Yeah the body was a little beat up too. I used to take it out to the big box store parking lot, and tap shopping carts around with the back bumper, in fishtails,powerslides, and donuts. Sometimes the tapping was a lil more than a tap. I had to practice thatchit cuz the dang car just wanted to kill me all the time,lol. Even changing lanes could be a handful; those tires were horrible.

One day my brother and I were out cruising. He was 3.5 years my junior so he cruised with me now and then. So here's my side of the story: we were bopping along in traffic, and I mightabin going a lil fast, I can't say. But I was fixin' to run up sombody's tailpipe so I switched lanes and kept on motoring. Here's his side; Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!, how did your car fit in that little hole?
I hadn't actually switched lanes so much as tapped the gas and slid sideways,into the next lane between two cars,lol, parking lot experience at it's finest. He loves to tell that story. The first time I heard it, it was years afterwards, and I had to think a long time... and then I remembered; was that right in front of the copshop? Yes it was says he, and we laughed. I always knew where the cops were. They were always where I woulddabin if Ihadnadone what I diddo. So I always diddo wadIshouldna done, so I didnagetcaught.
And you know what? That car was Fuscia colored; the brightest Panther Pink you could imagine. The cops used to bang on Mums door demanding to see me, for something somebody somewhere reported me for doing. Sure said Mum but you'll have to go see him in FlinFlon or ThePas or Thompson, or Cranberry Portage; Cus he's been gone for a week and won't be back for another. Well let me see his car then, says the cop. Sure says Mum but you'll have to go to......... cuz he took it with him. I guess some people just didn't like me,or something,lol.
St. Norbert was a little village, maybe a thousand homes, and everyone knew that Pink Swinger wasn't always sideways, and they blamed everyone else's sideways on me, no matter the color of their son's car.
One day I was idling along, minding my own business stopped atta stopsign. And a cop jumps out of an unmarked car and He storms up to me, with his lips going 90mph. Well my buddies had warned me about this red-hared cop who was out to clean this village up. So I looked and sure enough he had red hair. Well he was blathering about He was God and could charge me with : and ran off a string of things, and sure enough I thought; it would be His word against mine. Oh man did He try and get me riled up. I just sat there , yes sir/no sir-ing Him, much to His chagrin I'm sure. Finally His demeanor ran its course and I heard the famous last words, "But today I'll let you off with a warning, but next time make sure you stop at the stopsign". Then I watched his fat azz waddle back to his car in my mirrors. You know I had a really really hard time feathering out the
What's this got to do with this thread? IDK, I'm old and old guys tell stories. Sometimes embellished for comedic effect.
I didn't tell you how much I was thinking to myself, between the yesSirs and noSirs, that I might be walking soon, and how was I gonna get back to work next week. And I had a sweet little Cree Princess back in Cranberry that was gonna miss me. and other such-like thoughts. That car was unmarked and I never ever saw it again.But some of my buddies did. And some of them ended up walking. I heard; eventually, that cop had to transfer to a faraway place, like the NorthPole or something. Wadanazzwhool.
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I only ever liked the looks of the 1970AARs, and only until I sat in one and klunked the door closed; that instantly cured my foolish desire.
That was Spring of 1970. I took my money and bought a 70 Swinger 340/4-speed/3.55s instead. And drove the berries off it until I sold it in 76. All used up. Second engine, second trans, third clutch, second rear end,second driveshaft and 7 sets of rear tires. I was 23 in that summer of 76. Yeah the body was a little beat up too. I used to take it out to the big box store parking lot, and tap shopping carts around with the back bumper, in fishtails,powerslides, and donuts. Sometimes the tapping was a lil more than a tap. I had to practice thatchit cuz the dang car just wanted to kill me all the time,lol. Even changing lanes could be a handful; those tires were horrible.
That is funny that you said that because the aar was my favorite I was not around when they were new obviously (I'm 33) but one thing I always adored about my 72 cuda was the doors and how easily they closed I could close them with one finger. I always loved that. Mine was a 318 3speed the original motor was gone but I put together a 67 318 I got out of a belvidere. It was fun never fast or remotely muscle but fun I loved that car and never got to finish it. The quarters where rusty and the interior was striped just a set of buckets up front. Damn i miss that car!!
It's funny you brought up the aar because iv been considering doing an AAR theme on my dart! Modifying my hood with a aar style hood and maybe a aar stripe down the side. My 72 barracuda had a version of that stripe it was different tho. I never knew if it was original or not.
Here is one of the only pics I have of that car. I have a few more somewhere but I'm not sure where.

Here is the other one I have. This is the only two that I know where they are. I have more tucked away. This was taken right before I had to sell it. We was buying our house and needed money for closing costs. I sold pretty much everything I had except my dart. And it was for sale too it just never sold. I'm glad it didnt.

Been looking for a hood scoop for my 69 cuda. Don’t like the factory ones in the corners. The ford one looks really cool. Anyone got a pic of one on a cuda?