Dirtiest Hockey Team in NHL



Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2005
Reaction score
I vote for the Detroit Red Wings. They can hold, grab, clutch, and interfere with better than any other team, and the ref's are in bed with them!
The Flyers are the most penalized so the refs must not be in bed with them. They just had a great home and home against the capitals and are on a roll right now. Let's see what they can do heading into the playoffs.
Hey, hey, hey.... I'm a Red Wings fan....

You are all just jealous because of all the Stanley Cups that they've won in the past 20 years.... LOL!

You gotta give them credit for knocking out the #2 rated team last year in the payoffs when they barely made it in. And getting up 3 games on the stanley cup winners... And then blowing it.... WTF?

For being the "worst team" to make the playoffs last year, they gave the top two teams a hell of a hard time...

But at least my 'second choice' team got the Cup... Go Blackhawks!
I'm in Detroit and watch the Wings so I can tell you that any grabbing and clutching going on is usually from being out hustled and beaten to the puck, or a play, which is never a good way to play! In the days of old, clutching and grabbing was what the sissies did, the real players just knocked your block off!!

I heard a quote from someone one time that rings true in all of sports, and it was about former Wings coach Scotty Bowman....."a good coach will make you play his game, both teams!!" If you find that you have to adjust your game plan, or do things out of desperation, you are not playing YOUR game, and that's what the wings are doing now! Their skill level isn't always there, only flashes of it, and everyone knows you can't win against teams that have it all the time!!

"That's my best armchair coaching report.....back to you, Don!!"
the NHL is still going? I thought Gary Bettman killed it. Oh wait, I guess that was just for some of us.
the best part is they got beat by the Avs

As a red Wing fan, I have to "not like" the Avs because of what Lemeaux did to Chris Draper in 96 with the cheap shot, that put him out for the rest of the season and took all summer to heal (with his jaw wired shut). :wack:

Then "payback time" in 97 when Darren McCarty got revenge on Lemeaux and kicked his @ss for what happened to Draper (McCarty and Draper are good friends). Then while McCarty is pounding Lemeaux, Roy started going over there and little Brendon Shanahon dove at him from no where! Go Brendon! Then Roy and Vernon going at it! Like 5 fights all at once on the ice!!! I was on my feet watching that game. Lemeaux was all bloody and McCarty not a drop. He deserved it. :finga:

My favorite NHL fight ever!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcRWiZN8FdA"]Colorado Avalanche Detroit Red Wings brawl and fights 1997 part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Ever since then, there has always been a "rivalry" between the Avs and Wings.

I was talking to a clerk at one of my favorite stores in Detroit, and he said that Darren McCarty came in there once and they got talking for a while. He brought up that 97 fight with the Avs and thanked Darren for getting even with Lemeaux for what happened to Draper.

McCarty replied, "It was my pleasure..." :cheers:

But, I won't hold it against you Lance. We're still friends.
I could care lessssssssssssss bring it on,like it dirty hockey it shows who wants the cup more than outher teams.:banghead::violent1::axe::tongue2::pukerigh::rambo::sad1::wav::supz:
But, I won't hold it against you Lance. We're still friends.

LOL you stole my line , hehe , that was great stuff back then. that was the second year the avs were a franchise (1996)

they have been shitty the last few years, but im hoping they can get something done this year. I don't expect them to go all the way , but for Roys first season as head coach , they aren't doing too shabby.

they play the blues today , I hope they don't get their *** handed to them LOL
Now that video is 1000's of times better than dancing with the stars!
As a red Wing fan, I have to "not like" the Avs because of what Lemeaux did to Chris Draper in 96 with the cheap shot, that put him out for the rest of the season and took all summer to heal (with his jaw wired shut). :wack:

Then "payback time" in 97 when Darren McCarty got revenge on Lemeaux and kicked his @ss for what happened to Draper (McCarty and Draper are good friends). Then while McCarty is pounding Lemeaux, Roy started going over there and little Brendon Shanahon dove at him from no where! Go Brendon! Then Roy and Vernon going at it! Like 5 fights all at once on the ice!!! I was on my feet watching that game. Lemeaux was all bloody and McCarty not a drop. He deserved it. :finga:

My favorite NHL fight ever!

Colorado Avalanche Detroit Red Wings brawl and fights 1997 part 1 - YouTube

Ever since then, there has always been a "rivalry" between the Avs and Wings.

I was talking to a clerk at one of my favorite stores in Detroit, and he said that Darren McCarty came in there once and they got talking for a while. He brought up that 97 fight with the Avs and thanked Darren for getting even with Lemeaux for what happened to Draper.

McCarty replied, "It was my pleasure..." :cheers:

But, I won't hold it against you Lance. We're still friends.

Best hockey game ever?? I don't remember any game being played!! Best hockey fight ever?? Hands down!!
The biggest cheap shot ever was Todd Bertuzi on Steve Moore. Pile drived him into the ice from behind, broke his neck and Steve never came back.

Bertuzi probably should have served time for that assault.

Die hard Avs fan!

As a red Wing fan, I have to "not like" the Avs because of what Lemeaux did to Chris Draper in 96 with the cheap shot, that put him out for the rest of the season and took all summer to heal (with his jaw wired shut). :wack:

Then "payback time" in 97 when Darren McCarty got revenge on Lemeaux and kicked his @ss for what happened to Draper (McCarty and Draper are good friends). Then while McCarty is pounding Lemeaux, Roy started going over there and little Brendon Shanahon dove at him from no where! Go Brendon! Then Roy and Vernon going at it! Like 5 fights all at once on the ice!!! I was on my feet watching that game. Lemeaux was all bloody and McCarty not a drop. He deserved it. :finga:

My favorite NHL fight ever!

Colorado Avalanche Detroit Red Wings brawl and fights 1997 part 1 - YouTube

Ever since then, there has always been a "rivalry" between the Avs and Wings.

I was talking to a clerk at one of my favorite stores in Detroit, and he said that Darren McCarty came in there once and they got talking for a while. He brought up that 97 fight with the Avs and thanked Darren for getting even with Lemeaux for what happened to Draper.

McCarty replied, "It was my pleasure..." :cheers:

But, I won't hold it against you Lance. We're still friends.
Best hockey game ever?? I don't remember any game being played!! Best hockey fight ever?? Hands down!!

No hockey being played... LOL!

They did get a few minutes in each period...

The fights make it exciting!!! That's REAL HOCKEY.... :violent1:

I once went to a cage fighting match and a Hockey Game broke out.... LOL!
Never did understand Hockey...Why would they work so hard to get the puck close to the goal then just knock it against the wall clear back to the other end !!:banghead::banghead:.Do have to admire the athleticism of those pretty big guys doing what they do on skates.
Never did understand Hockey...Why would they work so hard to get the puck close to the goal then just knock it against the wall clear back to the other end !!:banghead::banghead:.Do have to admire the athleticism of those pretty big guys doing what they do on skates.

I didn't either until a few salesmen took me to a Red Wings game. To feel the energy of the crowd when the Red Wings score and are ahead is AWESOME!!! The whole stadium is standing on their feet cheering. They call that "Rockin the Joe " (Joe Louis Arena). Your voice is hoarse the next day. :D

That's why Detroit is also known as "Hockey Town". The wings fans stand behind their team and cheer until the end. Not many empty seats at a home game in Detroit.

Then if the company has a membership to the "Olympia Club" in Joe Louis Arena, it's the best. You go in for a drink or two before the game. Then go to your seats and watch the first period. Then between the periods, go back to the Olympia Club, and you have two drinks waiting for you at your table. Drink one during the break, then take the other back to your seats for the next period. Repeat for next break....

Kinda helps you become a hockey fan... :D
i stopped watching hockey years ago when they went on strike. The crying about needing a million dollars more of their million dollar salary. Its nice they have a salary cap now, but i still believe it needs to be lower. Too many players are in the game for the money when they should be playing for the love of the game.
Then all these rules started to come out when the big name players cried too much because they fell down on the ice and everyone kisses their ***. If you cant handle the game get the hell out!
Open the game up and make it a real game with the intimidation factor. The fancy players would be protected by tough guys, Marty Mcsorley, bob probert, tie domi just to name a few. Wayne Gretzky survived in the 80/90s till he too became Mr whiney baby.
Yes I love to watch Olympic hockey because of the open game and hopefully the players are there for the love of the game and representing their countries.
If the NHL decides to walk away from the olympics it goes to show you that Gary Bettman and team owners do not care where their players came from but their pocket books.

Yes i was a leaf fan growing up and now i do not get much interest in any form of sport. Also my sister works in the NHL so i hear all kinds of crap from every different angle
I play hockey for fun. It is by far the funnest and toughest sport I have ever played.

I real good athlete can get into the NFL with little experience, you never see an athlete play professional hockey unless they grew up playing the sport. The skills to skate and puck handle take years of experience to play at the level of the NHL.

Best game I ever went to???... My cousin comes home one day and says "I have the boss's tickets to the game tonight, wanna go?" His boss was ex-Wing Stu Evans...row 00!! Best thing about the seats?? The 14 seats surrounding them were owned by "The Landing Strip", a big local strip club, and the string of hotties never let up!! Got more pics with them than of the game, although I had to keep them from the brides eyes!! Thanks Stu, and Stew (cousin)!!! Geof
Best game I ever went to???... My cousin comes home one day and says "I have the boss's tickets to the game tonight, wanna go?" His boss was ex-Wing Stu Evans...row 00!! Best thing about the seats?? The 14 seats surrounding them were owned by "The Landing Strip", a big local strip club, and the string of hotties never let up!! Got more pics with them than of the game, although I had to keep them from the brides eyes!! Thanks Stu, and Stew (cousin)!!! Geof

The "Landing Strip", isn't that near the airport??

I mean... Never heard of the place.... Ummm...
To this day , they will say Gordie Howe was the dirtiest ever.
Gordie still holds the record for biggest elbows in hockey. My Dad and I met him years ago and as a joke I asked him what the best way to avoid getting crushed into the boards by a bruiser like you ( I'm just a little shite) and his reply was leave about 6" of stick out, he was pointing to his little finger, and poke the bugger. He was tough on the ice but didn't draw as many penalties as some, he was sneaky