Do you name your vehicles?

Not me. I think it is a waste of time naming anything that won't come when you call it.
Rob who said "Out of all the cars and trucks I've ever owned only one ever got a name, my big RAM 4x4 is called Bubba" you have a sweet 71.. i call my 75 duster F6 do to the fact it has a /6.. and i call my 70 that is registered as a 71 the heffer..
I named her Jezabel.

She's a little rough, costs me money every time I see her, and she can give a really good ride.

She's also a little heavy in the front, in her Hemispheres.

Just like I like 'em.
I don't recall ever actually naming any of my previous vehicles. I may have referred to them in one way or another at times. I'm sure that I have called my lifted, bored, hi-comp 460, F-250 "The Beast", at one time or another.

However, I did name my '65 Dart.

It may appear to be black, but it is a very dark blue. Kinda like "Da Bears" jerseys. And one of the best running backs in NFL history wore that jersey.

So I named my car "Sweetness", after the late, great Walter Payton.

Which is kinda odd, in a way, as I'm a Die-Hard 49er's fan.
One of my first cars was a '65 Skylark named BOB - Big Ol' Buick.

Karen pic 2.jpg
Growing up me & my Sister would name our cars after the previous owners first name. She had a beat-to-death `69 Beetle named Lester.... then I had a mint `74 Bug named Dominic. We also had a `74 Duster named Barbara. I had a `58 Beetle named Mildred that fit perfectly!

FWIW: If I was still playing that game today, my Barracuda's name would be Sal. The Dart George.
Growing up me & my Sister would name our cars after the previous owners first name. She had a beat-to-death `69 Beetle named Lester.... then I had a mint `74 Bug named Dominic. We also had a `74 Duster named Barbara. I had a `58 Beetle named Mildred that fit perfectly!

FWIW: If I was still playing that game today, my Barracuda's name would be Sal. The Dart George.

LOL... My Duster would be named "Crazy Lollipop Guy". And my truck would be named "Smithtown Toyota".
Within a year of each other we both bought new cars in the 80's and that game died for us too. For example, Amy's GTI would be named Koppel's. Not very cool... :thumblef:

But to get back on-topic, Amy named the Barracuda the Metal Mistress.
Yep. I've named them over the years. The current daily driver for long distance and bad weather is called Lucille. It is named in honor of my late aunt who encouraged my tinkering and left me enough money in her will to buy the car.

The fair weather, short distance daily driver is a scooter that the Dallas Mopar Club named. I had brought a part in for show-and-tell at a meeting. One guy hollered out. "You bring that in on your hawg?"
Another replied. "That ain't no hawg, that's a piglet."
The name has stuck.


I generally don't name my cars, but I did have a Buick Regal that was known locally as "Diarrhea" (it was brown and ran) and a buddy in the service named my Trans Am "Nosferatu" for reasons that were long ago lost to the perils of alcohol.

The Dart may eventually be named something like "Sybil" (a multiple personality reference) when I eventually get around to making some modifications.