Dog Killin' Coyote


I'm always amazed by people that move into those areas without a clue as to what was living there naturally before. Mother Nature is both wondrous and violent.

RIP Chito.

luckily we dont have coyotes here yet, i have a mastiff...hopefully he'd hold his own. if not a my 12 gauge will.
Sorry to hear of your wifes little buddy. Been hearing them packing up down by the water lately. Neighbor has a Blue Heeler, Teddy, that will not allow any Coyotes to be in his hood. If he is penned up and he gets a smell of one he will let him self free. Neighbor said a pack tried to lure him in a few times, but Teddy has sensed it and just went after them in a different manner. I used to walk with my neighbor down by the water, it was comical to watch Teddy flush the Coyotes out of the brush and run them off.
Just the way it is. Every few years you start to see a lot of rabbits and other Coyote food start over poulating due to a lack of Coyotes. Then there is lots of food for them so they do well for a year or two and there is a bunch of Coyotes. Then they use up the food supply and it cant sustain that many Coyotes. Soon they will starve and the population will go back down. Just the way it is, was, and always will be.
Sorry for your loss of Chito. Chihuauas are really cool and itelligent dogs.

Well, you country folk sure do know your coyotes and their habits. I am sure you guys have a feel for their behavior that you can tell if their activity is more bold from year to year. What does this activity tell you guys?

They are intelligent animals and have adapted their hunting to take advantage of human activities. The example for this is the fact that they will follow a hay raker or a combine and hunt the mice and rabbits that are exposed by the freshly cut crop.

Also take into account the time of the year. The fall season is the last opportunity for the packs to get their winter coats in place for the coming cold weather along with the female rutting season in preparation for the spring pups. All of this requires a food source.

I am a SoCal born and raised suburbia boy. I have noticed an increase in appetitie among my family pets. Their coats are starting to thicken up compared to last year. Our winter was mild last year, very rainy and wet, and the pets eating habits reflected in their thinner than usual winter coats.

So what do you guys think? Cold harsh winter coming?
They are becoming more de-sensitized to human contact due to ever increasing urban sprawl and encroachment on their habitat. They are only doing what comes natural to them, and are after all, wild animals. Wild animals that are unfortunately, more or less inadvertently forced into contact with humans due to no fault of their own.

Oh the poor things. I guess we should have a camp fire with some puppy chow and invite them to sing kum ba ya with us. Humans are at the top of the food chain. Coyotes are a nuisance. We had some climb a dog pen to kill all of our mini pins we used to raise. You wanna feel all warm and fuzzy about them? Then post your address and we can send um all to you.

I will reiterate, coyotes are indeed mostly nocturnal. Look it up. The fact that they are being seen during the daylight hours only means that they are becoming more bold because more of their habitat is being eliminated through progress. in MY mind's eye, that makes them all the more dangerous. I tag and bag everyone of them I see on my property as I have been TOLD to do by both our sheriff's department and the DNR. The DNR even said they were nocturnal and to be careful. I take their word for it.
Sorry for your loss of Chito. Chihuauas are really cool and itelligent dogs.

Well, you country folk sure do know your coyotes and their habits. I am sure you guys have a feel for their behavior that you can tell if their activity is more bold from year to year. What does this activity tell you guys?

They are intelligent animals and have adapted their hunting to take advantage of human activities. The example for this is the fact that they will follow a hay raker or a combine and hunt the mice and rabbits that are exposed by the freshly cut crop.

Also take into account the time of the year. The fall season is the last opportunity for the packs to get their winter coats in place for the coming cold weather along with the female rutting season in preparation for the spring pups. All of this requires a food source.

I am a SoCal born and raised suburbia boy. I have noticed an increase in appetitie among my family pets. Their coats are starting to thicken up compared to last year. Our winter was mild last year, very rainy and wet, and the pets eating habits reflected in their thinner than usual winter coats.

So what do you guys think? Cold harsh winter coming?

Smart observation. Even though we're on opposite sides of the country, my animals are doing the same thing.
We had a While-E problem at the local airport. I started had. I almost hit one just as I was flaring on landing. Scared the buy-Jesus out of me. The airport manager hired a local licensed trapper to "thin" them out. After a few shots were fired and the local tree huggers found out the airport was shooting the "pest" there was loud public outcry for the inhuman killing of the animals. Next the trapper tried a bow...on the coyotes. They were way smarter. So guess what they did to be humane......They soaked some new unused wine bottle corks in chicken broth or something like that and spread them around the infield between the runways. To logic being....The Coyotes eat the corks and the corks swell in the gizzard and kill the Coyote. Sounds humane right? The public never know and I don't see any Coyotes about. I feel bad for you and the pup and that Coyote has big balls. There must be something up, cause my experience as a hunter way back is that a Coyote would rather stay far away from people (I can agree with that...LOL). Here in Vancouver we are building into their forest, bears are this year’s problem and no Cougars and I don't mean the over 40 two lagged version...LOL. Sorry for the loss of your pup.
We had a While-E problem at the local airport. I started had. I almost hit one just as I was flaring on landing. Scared the buy-Jesus out of me. The airport manager hired a local licensed trapper to "thin" them out. After a few shots were fired and the local tree huggers found out the airport was shooting the "pest" there was loud public outcry for the inhuman killing of the animals. Next the trapper tried a bow...on the coyotes. They were way smarter. So guess what they did to be humane......They soaked some new unused wine bottle corks in chicken broth or something like that and spread them around the infield between the runways. To logic being....The Coyotes eat the corks and the corks swell in the gizzard and kill the Coyote. Sounds humane right? The public never know and I don't see any Coyotes about. I feel bad for you and the pup and that Coyote has big balls. There must be something up, cause my experience as a hunter way back is that a Coyote would rather stay far away from people (I can agree with that...LOL). Here in Vancouver we are building into their forest, bears are this year’s problem and no Cougars and I don't mean the over 40 two lagged version...LOL. Sorry for the loss of your pup.

The local way of taking care of them quietly is to soak pieces of sponge in blood or anything that is liquid and edible by a coyote. Then squeeze them into a small ball and wrap them in plastic wrap. They then put them in the freezer to get solid. Once they are solid you take the plastic wrap off and go to the woods and put them on the ground. Coyote eats frozen sponge, sponge thaws and swells, no more coyote. Only works good in cold climates.

Sorry about your little dog, that is sad.

It seems like people today want to make a big issue over coyotes vs. humans, and point fingers and say who's right or wrong...but when it comes down to it, they pose a serious danger and therefore should be shot, simple as that.
Sorry about your little dog, that is sad.

It seems like people today want to make a big issue over coyotes vs. humans, and point fingers and say who's right or wrong...but when it comes down to it, they pose a serious danger and therefore should be shot, simple as that.

I knew I liked you for some reason. lol
Sorry about your little dog, that is sad.

It seems like people today want to make a big issue over coyotes vs. humans, and point fingers and say who's right or wrong...but when it comes down to it, they pose a serious danger and therefore should be shot, simple as that.

In my opinion the only good coyotes are dead ones
sorry for the loss of your dog! I wont tolerate wild predators in my yard. They are moving into the city in my town. We are not allowed to fire a weapon in the city limits. However I have a buddy with a large ranch nearby, and I have a standing invite to come out and hunt all the coyote I want. Evidently they are hard on his cattle and horse business. So that being my Sig 556 big enough to hunt coyote...for those that dont know it is a standard .223 round in every USG m4.
sorry for the loss of your dog! I wont tolerate wild predators in my yard. They are moving into the city in my town. We are not allowed to fire a weapon in the city limits. However I have a buddy with a large ranch nearby, and I have a standing invite to come out and hunt all the coyote I want. Evidently they are hard on his cattle and horse business. So that being my Sig 556 big enough to hunt coyote...for those that dont know it is a standard .223 round in every USG m4.

Easy enough. Get you a high powered air rifle. The make some now that go over 1200 FPS. That'll put a pellet slam through a coyote's skull. End of story and legal too.
I feel the same way about coyotes and pitbulls. Kill them all!
Sorry to hear about your pooch redlined! We have them up here, but nowhere near the problem that the other members have posted.
I was working at a old ladies house 2 years ago and she came to the door and said watch the coyote looking at you. I was in a very nice sub divison in North Alabama. No 20 acres just nice big houses.
If any of you fine folks need any yoties i can send you some.. truck loads even.. I'm sick of them.. My wife even points them out to me.. She used to have a problem with me shooting from the back deck.. NOW she leaves my shooting pad on the railing..

257 weatherby is my tool for this work..
I am a SoCal born and raised suburbia boy. I have noticed an increase in appetitie among my family pets. Their coats are starting to thicken up compared to last year. Our winter was mild last year, very rainy and wet, and the pets eating habits reflected in their thinner than usual winter coats.

So what do you guys think? Cold harsh winter coming?

Good call, DFX. I'm also a SoCal native. My parents had a weekend place for a lot of years in our local mountains between Crestline and Lake Arrowhead. Mother Nature used to forecast a coming big winter by the amount of pine cones on the trees. Lots of pine cones meant a big pine nut harvest for the local critters to help them get through the long upcoming winter.
There's been a bunch of pine cones on the trees this past summer so I've been thinking we've got a cold winter coming. Funny thing is we just had an unseasonably cold storm go through that left new snow in Yosemite and forecasts for snow in the higher elevations of our local SoCal mountains. That's almost unheard of for the beginning of October.
Good call, DFX. I'm also a SoCal native. My parents had a weekend place for a lot of years in our local mountains between Crestline and Lake Arrowhead. Mother Nature used to forecast a coming big winter by the amount of pine cones on the trees. Lots of pine cones meant a big pine nut harvest for the local critters to help them get through the long upcoming winter.
There's been a bunch of pine cones on the trees this past summer so I've been thinking we've got a cold winter coming. Funny thing is we just had an unseasonably cold storm go through that left new snow in Yosemite and forecasts for snow in the higher elevations of our local SoCal mountains. That's almost unheard of for the beginning of October.

It has been a strange year around here for sure. Never did get to be summer. 55 here right now and I am only at 3000ft. Shold be in the 80-90's this time of year still.
Why not? They both go after small children and animals.

That's true....however, 99 times outta 100 the pits that go bad are NOT pure breds. Pure bred pits are very gentle dogs in nature. Think Petey on The Little Rascals. Yup. He was a pit. And around children ALOT on camera. Small children too. Two problems come into play with pits. 1) People that breed them to fight and make them mean by being mean to them. 2) Those same people interbreeding them with other dogs. Dog breeds all have their own individual traits. Pure bred pits are very sweet dogs. But when they are interbred, the worst can be brought out. It can happen in any interbred dog. Pits get a bad rep and it's not all their fault. More times than not, there's a lousy human to blame.