Don't pump gas on May 15th.

I saw a thing on e-mail that made most sense. If we ALL stop buying at say Exxon ,Mobil, and BP, they would be forced to drop their prices which would force the other oil cos to drop theirs in a competitive move....this concept works for me.
My Dart is my daily driver and even with a /6 it is still killing me. I have to put in about 15 bucks about every 3 days. But with things the way they are there really isn't much we can do to make them lower the prices short of just not driving at all for like a week. If noone used any gas for a week that may be enough to force prices down but other than that I dont see it happening. However noone filling up on one day is a good way to make a statement and it may be enough to make big oil open their eyes a bit but who knows.
Glad I bought a Neon last month. 30 mpg in the city. Gas was 2.79 a gallion yesterday when I filled up. Less than 7 gallions. Feels good after getting 17 mpg in the truck.
I didn't see the news last night, but they were going to run a story on how Venezuela and their president control our gas prices. Anybody see it?
Joeychgo said:
Don't pump gas on May 15th.

In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of
gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all Americans are asked to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now almost $3.00 a gallon in most places.
There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the Internet and the average car takes about 20 to 30 dollars to fill up.

If all American s did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,200,000,000.00 (that's BILLION) out of the oil company's pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.

If you agree (which I cant see why you wouldn't) resend this titled 'Don't pump gas on May 15th'--

they will just go the day before or the day after.

no difference. want to make a big difference? dont fill up for a week.
When I went in to work this morning, gas was an appalling $2.99 a gallon. When I got off work it was even worse...$3.19 a gallon!!! Last month I bought gas for $2.08 cash price. So it's up over a dollar a gallon just in time for the summer travel season. hmmmm. Anybody smell a big-oil price fixing conspiracy, or is it just me? All of the oil companies have posted RECORD profits every quarter since they used the Hurricane Katrina excuse to jack the prices the first time. Now every time a tanker turns over it's national news and yet another excuse to jack the price at the pump. Some of you guys said we should try to buy from independants. Well, that's just not an option around here anymore. There is ONE independant dealer still in business within 25 miles of me, and he's a Chevron affiliate. THEY tell him what to charge for gas, and believe me if he didn't have service bays he would lose the station. There was another independant around here, Union 76 decided he wasn't profitable enough for them so they came and took their signs and refuse to sell him gas now. He too has service bays, and he's an older guy who has had a station since he was a young man. Ethanol isn't the answer, at least not totally. If we were to try to run all our cars on alcohol, there literally isn't enough farmland in the U.S. to grow enough corn to make it. That's if we totally QUIT producing food and only grew corn and sugarcane for ethanol production. Also, anybody that's ever burned alcohol will tell you that it takes almost twice as much alcohol as it does gasoline to go from point A to point B. Not to mention the added combustability and volitility of alcohol compared to gasoline. I grew up in the southwest corner of West Virginia, right on the Ohio and Kentucky borders. Right across the Big Sandy River about 4 miles from my house was Ashland Oil #1 Refinery. Big old place. In the 1970's they did an experiment in which they made oil from shale. They called it the H-Coal project. Built a special refinery beside the old one, and made it work. They actually made oil from shale. Then after a couple of years they shut it down and mothballed it. A couple of years ago, the lights went back on over there. I don't know if they're actually producing anything, but it looks like there's activity there. And that's not new technology, it was one of Hitler's alternative fuel projects after we bombed the Ploesti oilfields in Romania to dust and deprived him of his oil. Problem is that it too is expensive to manufacture. Another fact that a lot of people don't know is that there are capped off oil wells all over the U.S. Drive through West Virginia and Pennsylvania and you can see some of them from the highways if you know where to look. These were drilled in the 1950's and 60's and capped off as soon as they hit oil. It was a smart move at the time, we could buy cheap oil from the Arabs and save ours for a rainy day. I wonder sometimes if that rainy day is here. Prices at the supermarket and the department store have all gone up, it takes fuel to move merchandise. Our economy is going to go into the shitter if things don't improve. When the raise the minimum wage, it's going to make things that much worse. Doesn't anybody remember what happened last time? The price of absolutely everything went up to pay the raised wage for the lower income workers. So they came out even. Guys like me who are middle class didn't GET a 65% raise, so our purchasing power was eroded. The really rich don't care, it doesn't affect them much one way or the other. Anyway, enough ranting from Hope I didn't bore you...
ROFLMAO @ the mods on this site who say they dont want politics on this web site, and then turn around a start a thread that IS nothing but POLITICS related.

Anyone remeber who started the war in the middle east that CAUSED gas prices to be jacked and in turn makes the cost of everything go up. The mods do, but if you point it out their only response is to remove the post/or thread or lock it down.

Censorship, in any shape or form in any form of media is EVIDENCE of the censoring parties INSECURIY with THEMSELVES AND THEIR BELIEFS.


1:) ethanol still uses gasoline its only like 20% added to the gas.

2:) we got plenty of farmland. lots that is paid not to be farmed.

3:) irrigate wyoming, utah, new mexico. if it paid to grow corn, it would be grown.

4:) alcohol can be made from lots of things, ever hear of vodka? made from taters.

5:) gas would be a hell of a lot cheaper of we stopped puttin all the damn taxes on it.

6:) I drive my 360 powered dart every day with my lead foot. I get crappy mileage and buy hi test gas that is .20 higher than the prices quoted in news reports so the car will run right. is the answer to buy a new car to get better than 15 mpg? no. why? because if I paid $7 a gallon, I would still pay less a month than I would if I bought a new honda because my gas guzzler is paid for. No car payment and no full coverage insurance.
unreformed66 is correct, I live in the eastern panhandle of WV but every once in a while I can spot one of those capped off oil wells.

The deal with the gas prices going up due to summer coming around the corner has always been here.
Why not plan to carpool with buddies, or take the 4cylinder to work, or bike. Not using ANY gas on the 15th would make a far greater statement than simply tanking up on the 14th or 16th. Assuming that most Americans work 20-22 days per month (hypothetical 5 day weeks), if everybody carpooled with someone else ONCE a month, or rode the bus, our raw numbers would indicate a nominal (not adjusted for ancillary travel like shopping) decrease of 5% in consumption, which would scare the $hit out of the oil suppliers.

In truth, that is fairyland thinking. CNBC was hosting a discussion about the effect (and affects) of $3 gas on consumers, and they pretty much concluded that Americans had accepted $3 gas and would not complain, or reduce spending as a direct result of (pricing).

Good luck. I'll bet we will see $6 in my lifetime. I hope that the HEMI/Hybrid gets good moo mileage!
man gas prices suck they hit 2.99 a gallon here today, and i need to fill up soon :( o btw was krabby banned? it says so in his user status or w/e its called. :-|
Hey guy's gotta put My two cents in on this one...
The act of not buying gas on the 15th is more symbolic than anything.
The only way to lower the price of gas is to lower the demand.
I live in the San Francisco bay area and we have quite possibly the highest
gas prices in the nation I recently have seen it top the four dollar mark in some cities.Everytime gas prices go up people line up to buy it !
When we should be doing the exact opposite .
The oil companys are just messing with us scaring us into buying more gas than we really need cause god only knows what the price will be tomorrow.
Recent reports show that we're buying more gas than ever !
we are not fooling the oil companys by not buying gas for one day .
"I" feel the pain....try $1.27 per liter, or about $5.00 per gallon!!!! sucks boys! :angry4:
Gas prices here are on the rise as well. $1.11 per litre today $4.44 per U.S. gallon. The only reason being is the large companies excuse of the week. This week summer demand on the way scared of shortage(bullshit), last week factory shutdown for refitting, before that barrell of oil went up .05 cents, before that threat of huricane, and before that it was a huricane. Any excuse will do even a pathetic one. Whats next bad snowstorm!! I really wonder how stupid they think we consumers are ( very from the looks of things). Why do governments not stand up for their voters on this? well the almighty tax dollar what else, so don't look for help there EVER! Rob from BC Canada referenced regulation to try and stop the price gouging on long weekends etc. Well let me tell you Rob it doesn't work. New Brunswick thought that regulation was the answer to stop this as well. So now prices can only go up every two weeks. No legitimate excuse required as you would think that there should be with regulation. So now when holidays come around they increase the prices way early so it doesn't look like the holiday is the reason, and they can make more money. Regulation is a crock of **** and only serves to provide for a few cushy Government positions to do **** all as usual. You would think that with regulation price increases would only happen when the companies could prove the legitimacy of the reason behind the increase. It started out that when the price was set it was for a month, but the companies whined to the government to be able to increase every two weeks and they got it, to hell with the consumers right. So what do we do? Who the hell knows but down the road I would not be suprised at all at a damaging rebellion on a refinery. As long as the gvernments sit back and allow the oil companies to run the show this is what we can expect. So as usual little guy and average Joe get ready to bend over and grab your ankles here it comes again.
OK, some people may say, "It doesn't work...", so should we just sit back and let them drain our wallets and post RECORD PROFITS.

DAMN, I SAY NO!!!!!!!!

People need to start voicing off, heck they can't grow corn fast enough, look how milk is now $3.50/gallon expected to reach $5.
The oil companies and OPEC are recording record profits, guess how. Cheap supply, growing demand, limited suppliers/competition. Sure drilling is expensive but once it's cost is recouped the rest is gravey, same goes for refineries.

Milk is the same way. The dairy companies buy the milk cheap and if it hits 5 bucks a gallon we're both(dairyman and consumer) getting hosed.

just my two cents.
This was attempted last year and it did nothing. The gas companies got word that there was going to be a gas boycott and two days before the boycott they said that the price of gas was fixing to go sky high. People rushed to fill their gas tanks and when the boycott day came it was just another day to the gas companies because everyones tanks was full. And the price of gas stayed the same.
lowering demand will oinly be a short thing, because they will lower production as well, they will not not make more than they think they need to, which is why it is so high. they could raise production but the saudis won't
Joeychgo said:
Don't pump gas on May 15th.

In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of
gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all Americans are asked to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now almost $3.00 a gallon in most places.
There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the Internet and the average car takes about 20 to 30 dollars to fill up.

If all American s did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,200,000,000.00 (that's BILLION) out of the oil company's pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.

If you agree (which I cant see why you wouldn't) resend this titled 'Don't pump gas on May 15th'--

Even something to have a lasting effect on gas prices...STOP VOTING FOR THE DEMOCRATS who force us to rely on middle eastern oil instead of developing our own resources!
Why do governments not stand up for their voters on this?
Rob very intelligent and I wished you lived closer cause this question is a constant one of mine.

Milk is only 3 50 at your place Whitey? Its 4 25 here.

One statement that caught my attention went something like this (not sure) we arent reducing spending due to the gas prices. I have dropped alot of things and sold many things and I am getting ready to sell alot of 360, 383,and 318 parts. Some I dont want to but its a got to do what a man gots to do thing.
Not buying gas on the 15th will do little to make any lasting impact on prices. I think there is a way though to get the message across. But it takes dedication on everyones part to make it happen and that's where I'm sure it will fail, but it could happen. If everyone could agree to boycott a particular brand of gas, whether it be Shell or Mobil Speedway or who ever, just refuse to trade at those stations until they lower their prices to an acceptable level. Yes you will have to pay the high price anywhere else you go but...until the boycotted station drops it prices you stay away from them. Once the price comes down, you go back to that brand and then boycott the next one and so on. We as a people really do have more contol over this than we think we have. We keep hearing about "supply and demand". Well if the demand for a particular brand goes down then the supply goes up for that brand and the price comes down. Shell trucks can't put gas into tanks at stations that are nearly full all the time so what would they do...have a gas war to get rid of the gas. It's really that simple, but like I said everyone would have to participate and not be complacent and just ***** about the price and continue going to their favorite stations no matter what the price is. The internet is a great way to get the message out there but the people have to really want it to happen to make it happen!

Just my opinion!
I have been spreading the word here in northeast Arkansas. $2.84 per gal.

What is the minimum wage up there in Canada.

$5.00 a gal sheeeeez. that is unbelievable
I work in the oilfield, SHUT UP AND GIVE ME YOUR DOUGH!!! :lol:

I know fuel prices are crazy, I drive an F-350 Crew Cab and suck up around $50 a day in diesel (the oil companies pay for it!!)

The only way to curb price increases in anything, is to cut the demand (for an extended period of time), and that just 'aint gonna happen in the good ole US of A. We'll spend $50,000 for a pick-up or car, then complain about $3 gas.

So I am gonna do my part starting tomorrow and start riding the old 10 speed to work...ummmm I thinks it might rain tomorrow and the knee issssss a little sore, so maybe I'll start early next week...
I bought 2.3 gallons for my lawn mower today. It cost me $9 yuk.