double dog excited- new puppy coming



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Pits killed my little miniature dashunds 2 1/2 years ago. Price of pups around here is nuts, just could nut make myself give $4-500 for a pup. Well the daughter in law 17 hours west has raised them for years. She has 5 litters coming. I want a red one like my beloved little Red Dog I called him. She just texted the first litter came and there is a red male the first one they have had in 4 years !! Mostly dapples and colored pups.
I looked at getting a rescue dog, but we have a lot of cats and a pup can be trained to deal with them, where n older dog has trouble. And around here, pounds never get any dachshunds.
Last night I had the reoccurring dream of my dogs being attached (and me 71 and a triple bypass later), running and screaming trying to get to my dog. Can't get there in time. In the dream I finally get there and choke the sucker to death and then choke the other one till I can not any more.and then I mutilate its body.
In bout six weeks I will have RedDog #2! I guess God has answered my prayers.
Anyone coming from El Paso toward SE Tx. in 6 weeks!!????? LOL
Congrats on the new puppy. That's why when I walk my dogs I carry. I ain't as fast as I used to be. And I'm not afraid to grease a dog (or anything else) attacking my dogs. Or me.

The wife can fend for herself!
We live out in the sticks but have neighbors across the road. We have a gate now but a cattle wire fence around the place. One pit came across road on to out property and got one, other little dog one day went thru the fence to the road where there dog was going down the road. Dashchunds are not afraid of anything when they should be.
They since got hot wire around and got rid of other it, Just about killed me.

I had to put my Red Dog down 2 years ago He had paralyzed his back. I tended to him for 8 months after, but I finally had to do it. I never have had a dog that I as connected to and it to me.
We don't walk dogs out here .LOL I do walk myself down the road for exercise every day. I work on my cars in and out of the heat , I guess it is good exercise too. Hot today, working on my Volare changing out seats, I bet I have sweated off 5 pounds and 5 gallons! OK So I will not loss a pound! LOL
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Thinking back to my original comments I am sure I offened sme pit owners, maybe all pit owners. If so I apologize for that but I stand behind my thoughts and remards in general.
I agree the pit is a loving dog for is family.
Here in this rural area, dogs run loose. Large dog, many times pit/large breed dog cross, found in people cow pastures are shot. They kill and mam calves.
My dogs were killed by 2 pit crosses, and one pure pit. They were either on my property or just out side on the side road.
Our red heeler barks if any dog comes here and the little dashund is right there too. 3 dogs that weighed 100 -125 lbs and a little dog that weighted 7-8bs. It broke its back, internal injuries, killed it and hauled *** home with it.
I don't live in the burbs. This is the sticks. Now my place in fenced, called cattle wire, a little dog can squeeze thru it. Good at good gate.
Legally I can shoot a dog on my property causing harm, If I got on others property and shoot a dog that came over here and killed mine, Tx calls it animal cruelty and fine people $2-3000.
Anyway I d not the any breed dog, but dogs that are large, and can be deadly, need to be kept on their property.
Another thing, this in SE Tx and it can make other redneck parts of the world look tame. I am talking of dog fights, **** fights. It goes on and the neighbor has been in it and maybe still. They throw a little dog in the fighting pen to get the bad dog fired up, and taste blood and the kill. One reason the pit/large dog cross is plentiful here.