Dove Hunters??


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
Any of you guys and gals do any dove hunting? I'm not real big on big game hunting as i use to be but i do love that shotgun work. I have a 2 acre patch here beside the house that i bust up every year about aug 1 and plant it in wheat. The season begins on sept 1 so that gives it a month to sit and draw em in before shooting starts. I've been feeding em all summer on the driveway so there are plenty. We have two types. The common morning dove and that eurasian ring neck. The coopers hawks are awesome to watch as they hunt the doves also. Those hawks are some flying machines. They can take out a dove any time their little heart desires. By the way, if your close by you are welcome to come and hunt with us. Let me know. Any dove hunters out there??
I've hunted dove at the local wild life area. It's packed on Sept 1. We just take a 5 gallon bucket out into the fields. Once the shootin starts, you just have to look up and wait. The birds come flying to you! Put the dead ones, in your bucket, sit back down and wait 5 minutes.

My kind of huntin except it's normally 100 degrees!
Love dove hunting. Got some orchards and corn fields close to water, so their flight paths are everywhere. I'd love to go to South America (Brazil or Argentina I think) to shoot doves. I saw a program on the Outdoor channel on it. You can shoot all day or until you're tired, and they keep on flying. I like shotgunning a lot more than rifle hunting because you get to shoot a lot more.
I used to spend alot of time dove hunting, along with pheasants and grouse..haven't gone in years though....have fun!
Never dove hunted before but I used to pheasant hunt quite a bit years ago. My hunting buddy was left handed and I'm right handed so I would take the left side of the fence and he would take the right side of the fence line. Worked out great!
I would like to Small Block, I shoot my shot gun from the hip,
Dr's orders, But I do sneak in a couple shots during our dear hunt here on the hill two times a year.
I am hopping on coming by for a hello visit soon before September 1rst.
:wav: :blob:
It would be nice to hide me some where and get some video's of your birds
you and the hawks take out.:-D
Come by anytime Mike. Always welcome. Here at my place there aint no 5 minutes between shots. Hell in 15 minutes you should have limited out. And we will get checked by the game warden so you need your lisc. and have a plug in your gun. I usually get in about 5 good hunts every year and limit out everytime. Sometimes i even do two birds in one shot and we do many doubles. It's really a fun time for all and the dogs.

Catsncudas: That Brazil hunt or Argentina would be awesome. I know people that have been there and they say they have shot 5000 rounds a day with sore shoulders to prove it. That would be the berries. I'd love to suffer through it. Wonder what the cost is. I think one can do doves and ducks all in the same trip.
Definatley a great deal of fun Brian. I see your from KC so your close enough to get down for a hunt. You're welcome to come if you can make it. The 1st is on a Monday so we won't do our first hunt till Saturday morning. Come down Friday evening and you can stay at the house and be here to hunt sat morning and sat evening then drive back sat night with a cooler full of doves.
The first is Labor Day and I'll be off work! I just got an idea of something to do that day. Thanks for the offer, I may run that one by the better half.
Now that you mention it the 1st is Labor day and i'm sure the boys will want off so i guess we'll hunt that day. I usally hunt a day then give the birds a rest for a day or so then hit em again. Your better half is welcome to come along. Walmart has shells on sale during this time also. Keep me posted.
I checked it out and that's a little high. One of the guys i do work for told me of one of his trips as a lumber buyer to Brazil and saw and talked to 3 guys that killed 5500 doves in 4 days. They said they're shoulders were hamburger. I'm pressing him for a local contact so as not to have to pay the $580 a day price. A local knows people in that area and can set us up cheap so that's where i'm at now. I'll get it to where the main cost will be the airfare. Did i say they burnt up 3 guns?
I tried to hunt them years ago. I couldn't ever shoot them while in flight so I just started shooting off the power lines, tree limbs.
People have ask me how a dove flys and my only way to describe their frantic flight pattern is to blow up a balloon and let it go. Try and shoot that if you can. Not really that bad until you fire the first shot then they do get radical in flight. I do take a double every now and then and sometimes kill two in one shot but singles are a piece of cake. One handed.....behind the back....from the hip.....Did i say blind folded???????? It's a ball to say the least. Come on down and hunt with me if you can. September 1 daylight.

That shooting them off tree limbs and power lines helps the average.
That shooting them off tree limbs and power lines helps the average.

Damn skippy it does, especially if it's windy. That's what I love about it though. It's challenging and you get a lot of trigger time. I'll get to day(sigh). After all the cars are done LOL. I'll just have to settle for these crazy WV doves for now. :-D
Never been Dove hunting befor but I do go out to the back yard and shoot some Quail every now and then. It is very good stuff.