I saw it when you first posted it but I didn't want to post because I thought it might just be me. Sorry but all I see are lines on a peice of paper that tell me nothing. Maybe show it with the dash and I might get something from it. LOL, with a "perfect 46.27%" drawing I would have used a compass.
So your only going to have 3 gauges? I'm with the rest, dont fully get it, but I'm sure it makes sense to you, so thats all that matters. When I was making my gauge panel, I made a cardboard templete and cut out true to size circles to represent the gauges so I can move them around to get the look and position I wanted.
u could try labeling the sqaures so we know where the alt gas and speedo r going is the dot a high beam and the other dot next to it a oil pressure light?
I think it only shows part of the pic, and that's why it seems so weird. Maybe if you resized it and we can see the whole thing? I get the general idea, but i'd like to see the whole thing.