Drive gear vibration?



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2009
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I have a 1974 duster with a 3.7l slant six.
Lately I have been experiencing some strange vibration when I am driving.
In drive gear (only) when I have my foot on the break when I'm stopped, something under the hood vibrates irratically, causing the steering wheel, and dash components to shake a little.
This problem only happens in d gear when i'm breaking, all other gears are fine, and my idle speeds are normal.

I have no clue as to what is causing this and was wondering if maybe its a transmition problem, or low oil/fluid/lubrication somewhere?

Any thoughts would help.
Where are the flex plate bolts located?
I have a manual for my car but it is kind of vague and I havent seen them in there.
If you have a diagram or picture it would be very helpful.
The bolts he's talking about hold the flex plate to the torque converter; they're accessed by removing the metal inspection cover from the lower portion of the bellhousing. But if they loosen, they will tend to make alarming noises, not cause the vibration you're talking about. They are not causing your present problem. First, get the books described in this thread. All three of them. Then, do a valve adjustment and follow the tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this thread. You will likely also need to pay attention to the carburetor; Carburetor operation and repair manuals and links to training movies and carb repair/modification threads are posted here for free download.